The One With The Goodbyes

Start from the beginning

"It's going to be okay," Emily softly promised to her best friend as she also tightened her hold around the vampire's waist but just not as tightly as the supernatural being. Emily honestly felt like she was being pushed into the blonde's chest by how tight Caroline was holding her but Emily didn't mind when she knew that Caroline needed this right now.

"I don't want you to go," Caroline mumbled as she closed her blue eyes with her chin resting onto her best friend's temple. The Forbes vampire absolutely hated what was going on right now. She had been filled in with what was going on only a few hours ago from Stefan and it broke her heart to know what her best friend would have to go through tonight. "M-Maybe I can kidnap you and take you to Mexico," Caroline quietly suggested after a moment had settled between them as she felt she just had to do something.

The highly emotional Gilbert girl couldn't help but immediately burst out into laughter at her best friend's suggestion. Emily slowly pulled herself out of the Forbes vampire's hold before she smiled brightly at her best friend with amusement shining throughout her green irises. "You know we can't do that, Care," the Gilbert girl softly murmured before she uttered what they all knew, "Klaus would just follow me until he got his way."

The Forbes vampire titled her head up so she was staring at the bright white clouds in the sky while she tried to keep her frustrated tears at bay. "This sucks," Caroline mumbled while she could feel the warm tears blocking her vision as she thought about the possibility of losing the most important person in her life.

The Gilbert girl reached across and tightly grabbed ahold of her best friend's hand before she quietly agreed, "I know, Care Bear." The human Petrova doppelganger gave the blonde vampire's hand a small squeeze to gain her attention before Emily shot her best friend a comforting smile. "We're going to be okay, though," Emily stated as she tried to assure the Forbes vampire before she added with a small chuckle, "I'm just going to die for a bit then I'll be right back."

"Don't joke about that," Caroline immediately begged as she frustratingly wiped the tears that were constantly trailing down her cold cheeks. "I can't stand the idea of not having my best friend in my life for even a second," the Forbes vampire mumbled as she hurriedly shook her head as if that would stop Emily from being taken from her tonight.

"Oh, Care," the Gilbert girl cooed as she felt her heart break at the sight of her best friend. "I'm sorry," Emily apologized as she squeezed the blonde vampire's hand before she explained herself, "but you know this is how I handle my stress." The human Petrova doppelganger lightly shrugged her coat-covered shoulders before she joked with the tiniest of smiles playing on her lips, "humor is my only defense."

Caroline, however, didn't find that to be the slightest bit true as she exclaimed, "shut up!" The Forbes vampire lightly giggled at Emily's widened green eyes before she stated with a soft smile shining across her pink lips, "you are amazing. You stand up for your loved ones and face off against some of the strongest vampires on a daily basis." Caroline slowly shook her head as she gave her best friend's hand a small squeeze before she continued to express herself, "humor is not your only defense. You are so strong and badass like all the time - and you're my hero, Emmie."

The Gilbert girl couldn't help but immediately blush beet red from Caroline's praising of her and, of course, Emily ruined the moment as she pushed against the blonde vampire's hard shoulder. "Alright," Emily exclaimed with an embarrassed chuckle, "you are the one that needs to shut up now." The human Petrova doppelganger lightly shrugged her shoulders when Caroline gave her a pointed look before she stated, "I just do what is right. It's nothing important like you are making it out to be. I just do what I can as a human."

"Bull crap!" The Forbes supernatural being practically screeched - which caused a few parents with their children to glare over at her. Caroline ignored the families, though, as she told her best friend, "you have saved me - a vampire - more times than I can count." The blonde vampire smiled brightly at Emily as she confessed, "you are who I strive to be as a person. Someone who doesn't even think twice about running into danger for her loved ones." Caroline shot the human girl a small smirk before she exclaimed, "you're my hero, so shut up and let me appreciate and love you."

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