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MemeQueen: We did it!

Elodie: Did what exactly? I've learned never to count anything out when it comes to you.

MemeQueen: Kookie and I went and got our tats.

Elodie: OOOOH what did you get? I know you've been eyeing a lot of them on pinterest.

MemeQueen: Lol riiiight.
Well I actually let Kookie pick it out and design it. I think he nailed it!

MemeQueen: He said it was beautiful and feminine like me, yet tough and kicks ass at the same time

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MemeQueen: He said it was beautiful and feminine like me,
yet tough and kicks ass at the same time.

Elodie: Its beautiful. Why aren't you dating him again?
Is that on your forearm?

MemeQueen: Lol thats what the tattoo artist said too.
At this point it would be gross like dating your brother. Too weird.
And yep yep. This way I can still see it and take care of it myself.
And not have to take my clothes off to show it off lol.

Elodie: Fair enough. You said he designed and drew that out for you?

MemeQueen: Yep. Lemme guess, you want him to design your next one?

Elodie: Hell yeah!
I miss you guys.

MemeQueen: Me or Jimin?
Because he mopes around here like someone killed his puppy.

Elodie: Both? 
I'm excited for our skype dinner tomorrow. Did Jin agree to it?

MemeQueen: YESS! He was super excited.
Said he wants to come to our dinner nights
if his schedule is free when we come back.

Elodie: Deal! I live for his dad jokes. 
I've been hunting them down and listening
to them since you guys have been gone.

MemeQueen: Aww only 3 weeks.
Unless they cram a few more interviews in on some days.
Which I think Jimin has asked Namjoon to see if they could do.

Elodie: What!?! Nooo. 
Their schedules are packed enough already.
I worry about them getting enough sleep and rest.

MemeQueen: Some of them are just interviews they can Skype in.
So they'll at least be comfy at the hotel when they do them.

Elodie: Please don't let them overwork themselves.

MemeQueen: I get after them, doesnt mean they listen.
And honestly, Namjoon and Yoongi are the worst.
If they aren't practicing, doing interviews or dance practice,
those two are working on new music.
Now I understand how Yoongi can just call asleep in his chair.

Elodie: Hmmm. You've developed a soft spot for him haven't you.

MemeQueen: Maybe. He's seriously underrated.
This boy puts in SOO much work its insane.
Plus he's sorta the strong silent type,
which makes his smiles and laughs even more precious.

Elodie: So what happened with Hoseok?

MemeQueen: Oh damn, so much has gone on I cant believe I didn't tell you.
He's the one that got me moved to them.

Elodie: Uh say what?
How did he manage that?

MemeQueen: Claimed he had seen my work with TXT
and thought I would be a better fit with BTS. Seriously pissed at him still.
Tae and Kookie were mad too. Especially since they seen
 how upset I was to leave TXT. Namjoon wasn't happy either.
Said it wasn't Hoseoks place to interfere with my job
since I wasn't with them at the time.

Elodie: Wow. That's just wow. Think he did it because he likes you?

MemeQueen: Doesn't matter anymore why he did it.
You know how I feel about shady shit like that.
Yeah I liked him but that made me go cold really quick. I mean seriously,
I was in the same building with them every day,
all he had to do was come up and talk to me.

Elodie: True. He had no problems flirting with you at the club,
 not sure why he couldn't do it when he had you alone.

MemeQueen: EXACTLY! So yeah. I've barely spoken to him.

Elodie: So Yoongi huh.

MemeQueen: Maybe. He lets me listen to a song every
know and then when he's working on it.
Says he wants someones opinion who isnt going to be performing it.

Elodie: LOL Sure he does.
Does he put the headphones on for you too?

MemeQueen: Um.. just once. The first time.

Elodie: Dude thats friggin adorable.
Ask that boy out.
Just go "Oppa.. want to go on a date with me?" And bat your lashes at him.

MemeQueen: SHIT! Coffee burns when it shoots out of your nose.
That was funny. I don't call him Oppa though. 
When I'm being a pain I call him Yoongles, otherwise its just Yoongi.

Elodie: All the more reason to use Oppa. Throw him off his game.
Plus I wanna hear about how his face looks when you do.

MemeQueen: Maybe. We'll see.

Elodie: Ugh lunch break is over. I have to get going if
I'm going to make it to the showing on time.
Love you!!!

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