Safia Green My Childhood Enemy

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I stepped towards her and crouched down next to her to check her pulse. I raised her wrist and placed two fingers on her wrists which had new scars on them. I felt a steady pulse.

I sighed in relief and turned to see Fred and Dumbledore crouching next to me. 'She's alive'

'That's good, I wonder what he was going to do to her' Fred said curiously.

'Probably torture her to death' I answered 'It wouldn't surprise me' 

I took my hand away from her wrist and found that I was shaking. Not because I was cold again but scared for the girl lying on the snow covered ground.

'Let's get her inside' Dumbledore said.

Fred nodded and lifted her over his shoulder. They both left me sitting on my knees staring beyond the hills far away. A few moments later I felt a warm hand pull on mine and pulling me up. I looked up to see who it was but of corse I knew straight away it was Fred. I smiled at him. His hands brushed a hair away from my face. He leaned in closer but I dodged him. 

'I need time' I whispered and walked towards Luna's house. 

'Pandora' He called as I placed one foot firmly into the house. I looked over my shoulder and heard Fred say 'I understand'.

I smiled faintly and walked in the house and Mr Lovegood greeted me 'Hello you must be the brave girl Luna was talking about a few days ago Pandora Riddle?'

I smiled 'Yes that's me, and you must be Mr Lovegood' I said as he grasped my hand and shook it.

'Some thing it troubling you child?' he asked. Dumbledore looked over to me as he was pouring some blueish liquid into a class. 

I shook my head at Mr Lovegood 'no, no I'm fine' I lied.

At that moment Fred walked in and went to kneel down beside the girl as Dumbledore poured the liquid into the girls mouth. He pulled the glass away when the glass became empty.

A few seconds later the girl sat up quickly and began coughing violently. After her coughing fit she looked around and her eyes landed on Dumbledore. 

'What- where- why- what happened?' she asked in a frail, scared tone. I froze as I recognise the voice but had no clue of who this girl was. Where had I heard this girl before, it must have been a long time ago. 

'Pandora?' I heard Fred call.

I snapped out of my trance 'oh- um.. sorry' I apologized.

'This is Pandora, I'm Fred, this is Luna, and this is Professor Dumbledore and that is Mr Lovegood' Fred said pointing to each of us in turn.

'What's your name?' I asked and I tilted my head still trying to recognize who this girl was.

The girl looked at me and her eyes widened 'Pandora?' she asked, slowly as she got to her feet. A slow grimace slipped on her face as she said 'remember me? I'm the one you tortured when we were 7, I'm the one who you pushed into the swimming pool and tried to drown, I'm the one who you pushed out of the window, I'm the one who broke your arm, I'm the one who set your room on fire, and I'm the one who poisoned your snake'

I scowled at her 'Safia Green' I said bitterly. I felt my jaw tighten and my fists clench.

'Your dad is very nice' she said sarcastically 'he kept me locked up for seven months, you know?. You visited all his prisoners a few months ago did you not see me?' she asked.

'Yes I might have, you must have been the ''silent one'', that's what Voldemort called you' I answered. 'but why would I care to see a filthy-'

'Fred take Pandora back to yours' Dumbledore said interrupting me. 'Safia you come with me, we need to get you some school stuff'

Pandora Riddle - Voldemorts Daughter (Book 1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant