chapter 28

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It felt great kissing Adam again. I can't wait to go home and see Luke, Skylar, and Max. I miss them so much.

"Adam, Ty come here!" Jason yelled from under the tree house.

"What the actual fuck is that?" I said while pointing at this weird looking thing.

"I think it's a pig?" Adam questioned.

It had a pig head and the rest of its body was bones.

"It's so creepy!" Seto yelled.

"you sound like a Japanese school girl Seto." Jason laughed. I giggled.

"KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!" Adam screamed and lit the creature on fire. I laughed.

"Well since we have flint and steel lets light up the last portal so we can go home." Sarah said.

"Yeah I'm tired of this Minecraft shit.... Please, Adam." Isabella begged.

Adam nodded. We walked over to the nether portal and lit it up. It swirled and twirled.

"On three." Jason said.

"on three... One...Two... Three!" we yelled and jumped into the portal. we passed out.

time skip for when they wake up

I woke up. I wasnt blocky anymore!!!

"Adam! Adam!!! Wake up we're home we made it we are home!!!!" I said excitedly. Adam woke up. I ran to Luke's room and hugged him.

Then I said," I love you Luke!!!"

Then I went to the twins room and kissed their sleeping heads. I went back to mine and Adams room and hugged him.

"I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you." I repeated.

"I love u too. Now, how about we go back to bed?" Adam said.

I nodded and we fell back asleep.

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