chapter 1

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Adam's POV~

It's been eight months... He is still unconscious. The doctor says he will have amnesia. My boyfriend won't remember me... He won't remember all the amazing times we've had together... How we met... Any of that...

~Eight Months Earlier~

I was walking down the hall ways of my highschool as the hall monitor. even though I'm known as "heartthrob Adam," "Mr. popular." I hated it. Those names I have aquired... They  are not who I am. Sure I might be popular, but that's not all I am. I am a son, best friend, and a student. I don't try to be popular or this so called heartthrob, but it just happens so I have to play this roll. I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking and I ran into someone.

"I am so sorry!" The person said.

"Don't worry about it. It was my fault anyways. I should've been paying attention," I answered, getting up and helping pick up the books. "I'm Adam by the way." I continued.

I looked at the person. It was a boy. He had chesnut brown hair, that covered his left eye. His eyes are maroon, they reminded me of a dark red wine. He wore a white sweatshirt, dark gray pants, black shoes, with a pair of black and green headphones that sat around his neck.

"I'm Ty, and thank you for helping me." Ty said.

Something about him seemed familiar. Maybe we have a class together?

"How a out I make it up to you? Would you like to hang out after school? It'll just be us and a couple of my friends." I asked.

"Sure..." Ty answered hesitantly.

He smiled and I'm pretty sure my heart fluttered. I'm bi, but none knows it, except my friends.

"Cool! Meet me in the parking lot, okay?" I say.

"Okay." Ty responded.

After that he left, I kept going up and down the halls, trying to find my class. Ty became one of my thoughts. I couldn't help but think about him. He looked so innocent and so handsome.

Wait... What the hell did I just say?! I just met him!

My cheeks turn red and I groan. I had a crush. The last time this happened was in fifth grade with a girl named, Karen.

I waited in the parking lot after eighth hour. I told my friends that I'd meet them at my house. I live on my own since my parents are out all the time with their businesses.

"Hey Adam!" Ty called out as he bound over to me.

I couldn't help, but smile.

"Hey Ty!" I greeted when he got over to me.

We got into my pride and joy. A beautiful black F150 Ford truck that was gifted to me by my uncle Jordan. We drove to my humble abode.

"Guys!! I'm home!!! Where the hell are you?!" I yelled as I opened the door.

They all screamed a battle cry. Then the next thing I know me and Ty are being bombarded with Nerf Guns.

"Wait!! Dudes hold up!" Mitch called out to get the groups attention.

"What?! No fair!" Husky whines.

Mitch ignored the fish and look at me.

"Adam, who the fuck is that?" Mitch said.

Ty hid behind me and started shaking.

"This 'who the fuck is that' is named Ty. We ran into each other in the hallway and I invited him over." I answered.

"Mitch? Why do you care?" Jerome questions.

"I fucking don't care! If Adam wants to hang out with this piece of garbage then he can! I don't give two shits!!" Mitch snapped. Lately he has been quick tempered.

"Mitch get the fuck out!"I growled.

"Fine!" He yelled and stormed out of my house, slamming the door behind him.

"That is not the Mitch we know and love." Kermit said after a few minutes of awkward silence.

Ty had his hands on my arm which seemed to calm me down.

"Just forget about him. He just needs sometime alone to cool off." Seto answers.

Jimmy, or Seto as we call him, always knows what to say at the right time and in the right place.

"Anyways, Ty these are my friends. Husky, Jerome, Kermit, Seto, Jason, and Ian. Then there is Mitch." I say introducing everyone, point to them when I said their names.

Ty gave a sheepish hello. Then we played video games, ate, and do what guys do.

"You guys want to stay the night?" I asked.

All of my friends agreed, even Ty. I sighed but it was a good sigh. This house got really creepy at night.

~Ty's POV ~

I called my mom.

T: Can I stay at a friends this weekend?

M: Sure! Why don't you just live there?! This fucking house would be better without you anyways!

She hung up.

"Hey, uh, Adam?" I ask.

"Yeah?" Adam questioned.

"N-Nevermind." I answer quickly.

"Who wants to play truth or dare?" Husky asked.

We all agreed. We got into a circle.

"Kermit, you go first." Adam said.

I was sitting by Adam because I trust him.

I'm sorry, but I must end chapter One here! Please leave a vote, comment, and follow me. That be great, thanks!!!



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