chapter 14

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Adams POV~

when I woke up I couldn't stop thinking about his nightmare last night...

What if it comes true?

What if we loose Luke do to grossatitus?

I sigh and go check to see if Luke is awake or not. I open the door to his room. I look in. He is sound asleep. So perfectly and contently. I love him. He is the most amazing little boy I've ever met. I have to admit I was worried when Luke came here the first time. I was and still am worried I'm not going to be a good father. Especially if Ty is pregnant. I'm going to have to learn how to take care of a baby. I shake my head and go to the kitchen. I make some food. A few minutes later Luke comes downstairs.

"Hi Daddy." Luke yawns.

I pick him up and tickle him. He shrieks. I laugh. When I'm done tickling him he sits in my lap and says," I love you, daddy. you are the best."

"I love you too, Luke." I answered.

There is moment of silence. "Hey Luke? We have to go get mommy to wake up and I have and idea." I say with a smile.

Luke claps his hands.

"what what!?" Luke questions excitedly.

"What if we make him a breakfast in bed." I answered.

Luke nods his head in agreement. Then we set off into the kitchen to make Ty's breakfast. I make pancakes and eggs while Luke makes toast. When I'm done with that I make some bacon. "Alright. How much toast did you make?" I asked. Luke holds up his finger signaling four. I get out one of the trays. We put the food on it with plates under it of course. I get out some orange juice and a glass.

"Now what?" Luke questions.

"We go upstairs and wake up mommy and give him the breakfast in bed." I said.

Luke nods and smiles. We head up the stairs. then to mine and Ty's room.

"Mommy? Mommy wake up." Luke says.

"Hmm... Oh hi Luke." Ty says half awake.

"We made you breakfast in bed." I say.

Ty sits up and I put the tray in his lap.

"Oh thank you. It looks delicious." Ty says.

Luke climbs onto my side of the bed and sits by Ty. I smile. Such a precious moment. I wanted to remember it forever so I took a picture on my phone.

time skip to doctors appointment

They tested Luke for grossatitus and came back negative. So now we are sitting with Ty. a doctor comes in.

"Hi I'm doctor Hughes." The doctor says.

I quietly sigh at Hughes. Ever since that day when Mitch kissed me no one has seen or heard from Mitch.

"Something wrong Mr. Dalnbergh?" doc Hughes asked.

"No, but anyways we are here to see if my fiance (points at Ty) is pregnant or not." I answered.

he nods. After some blood work and other tests we had to wait an hour before the results came back. the doctor came back in. "you are.........


*Evil laughter in the background*


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