chapter 18

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"Would you like to see them?" A nurse asked.

"Yes." I answer.

She hands me Skylar and Ty gets Max.

"Adam look. Max has one golden eye and one maroon eye." Ty says.

I look over and laugh. Sure enough he does. Then I look down at Skylar, she opens her eyes, which we're both golden with maroon specs. I smile.

"I love them already." I say.

"Agreed." Ty says.

I lean over and kiss his cheek. "I love you." Ty says.

"I love you too." I answered. Then two nurses took Skylar and Max. Ty fell asleep. I walk out to the waiting room. my phone vibrates violently. I unlock it to see who text me.

Kate: Are they here? Is Ty okay?

Adam: They are here and yes Ty is okay. Is Luke being good?

Kate: He is an Angel. he is still asleep.

Adam: Awesomesauce 😂

Kate: Oh wait he just woke up! 😂😂

Adam: Well tell Luke I love him, okay? I gotta go Mitch is calling.

Kate: Will do, Dorkus!

Mitch: Hey Dude! Baby born yet??

Adam: Yes, there are two, little girl and little boy.

Mitch: CONGRATULATIONS! What did you name them?

Adam: Skylar and Max.

Mitch:  AWWW! Cute! Well I'll stop by with the rest of the guys tomorrow to meet them.

Adam: That is fine with me.

Then everyone decided to text me the same questions. I felt happy. I walked past the nursery. Skylar and Max were in the front row. They were both asleep. They are so cute. I walked back to Ty's room. He was still asleep. I held his hand and rubbed it with my thumb.

"Mr. dalnbergh there is someone here to see you." A nurse says.

I look up at her.

"Okay. I'll be out in a minute." I answer.

The nurse nods and walks out. I get up and go back to the waiting room. Kate is here with my son.

"Daddy!" Luke exclaims and runs towards me.

"Hi Buddy." I say and pick him up.

"Wanna see the babies?" I ask.

Luke nods. Then we walk to the nursery. I point to Skylar and Max. Kate stares in astonishment.

"That is your new brother and sister. He is Max and the little girl is Skylar." I say to Luke.

Luke smiles.

"Where is Mommy?" Luke asks.

"In his hospital room. He is asleep." I answer.

"Can we see him?" Kate asked.

I nod my head and we go to Ty's room. Luke climbs onto the bed and cuddled into Ty's side. he puts his head on Ty's chest and smiles again.

"Luke got worried so I thought it was a good idea to bring him here. So he knows Ty is okay." Kate says.

I look at her and said," I bet you were worried too."

she sheepidly nods. "I would be lying if I say I wasn't. I mean he is my brother and my only family member I have. so yeah I'm gonna be worried." she says.

Love Song (SKYLOX)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora