chapter 10

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Ty's POV~

I need to tell him. I was told by several different doctors at the age of fourteen that I'm one of the rare men who can have kids. The only other person that can do that, that I know, is Bashure.

"Adam...we need to talk." I say.

Adam looks at me confused then asks," what do you wanna talk about?"

"Uh... When I was fourteen my doctor told me that I can have kids... Its a rare like development kinda thing. So since we had sex. There is a chance I might be pregnant." I said nervously.

Adam sat there.

"Say something please." I begged.

"Alright... So, please tell me you are kidding..." Adam said.

I shook my head no. Adam stares me in the eyes to tell if I'm lying.

"Okay your not lying, but why do you bring this up now?" Adam asks.

"Because I was gonna tell you this morning, but that didn't happen, because you ended up fucking me." I said in a hushed tone.

I went over and sat on the couch next to him. Adam grabbed my hand and rubbed it with his other hand.

"You know what..." Adam trailed on for a minute, "I think it will be awesome to have a baby... I'm a father of two beautiful children and I have a very handsome boyfriend. I love you Ty and nothing is going to change that."

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