chapter 12

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~Adam's POV~

I can't believe this. Even though it like fucking super rare for a guy to get pregnant I was still worried as all hell. Instead of buying those pregnancy tests I called the doctor and Ty now has a pointment. I looked at the clock it was 2:50.

"Shit I gotta go get Luke." I said.

Ty smiled and warned me to be careful as I left. After arriving at the school I went inside and waited for my son in the lobby.

"Daddy!" Luke yelled as he hugged me. He looked up at me.

"Luke what happened?" I asked as I traced the deep scratch on his cheek.

Luke sighed and answered," I ran into a pole."

I just stared at him trying so hard not to laugh.

God!! I'm a bad father!!

"Let's go home, okay?" I said and I picked him up.

Luke nodded innocently. We arrived back at home. I looked at the mirror. Luke was sound asleep in his car seat. I smiled and picked him up. I carried him inside and Ty greeted us. I hushed him before he could say anything. I put Luke in his bed and silently closed the door. I sighed. I walked downstairs, sat on the couch and cradled Ty in my arms. he put his head on my chest and he slowly drifted to sleep. I just watched television.


I woke up. Adam smiled down at me and kissed my forehead.

"Hey, handsome." He says and gives me a good grin, which caused me to laugh.

"So what shall we do for dinner, babe?" I asked still half asleep.

"How about we go out for Chinese just me and you. I'm sure Jason and Jerome or Sparkant would be happy to watch Luke." Adam suggested.

"I like that idea." I said. In no time at all Adam called Sparkant and they were on their way over. Then Adam left to go get something. He didn't come back for two hours. When he finally did we went to the restaurant.


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