32. Workaholic

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Mina lay on her bed and watched Yoongi from the corner of her eye. He was fast asleep on the swivel chair he so deeply cherished. After a few pushes and a threat, she had forced him to take a break from work for once.

Taehyung was close to dropping another comeback and Yoongi was bustling with late late night work. He refused anyone to come to his office and drank nothing but energy drinks.

Min watched Yoongi closely. His breathing was steady, under-eyes dark and heavy. His pink heart lips were left in a pout and Mina couldn't help but smile at the sight of a small pororo bear in the clutches of his hands.

" Min Yoongi's such a pain in the butt." She whispered softly, laying her head on the armrest of Yoongi's chair before slowly letting her fingers feather across his cheek.

If anything she was being a little risky. Yoongi hated when anything disturbed in his sleep and often went into a fit if anyone woke him.

" Stuuupid." She whispered again, laughing softly.

She would have never believed in all her years to be greeted with Min Yoongi's face, even after leaving high school. She was such an anxiety freak, yet she managed to get her hands on this piece of work.

Let's not forget a very handsome piece of work.

Who knew Yoongi got women to turn their heads enough for them trip on their feet.

A knocking sound is heard and Mina jumps up. She wasn't supposed to be here. At all.

" Oh my gosh." Mina whispered, still watching as Yoongi slept. Another knock is heard and Mina dives into the closet, finding it a comfort. She lets the door open a crack, enough to view the room.

The knocking is heard a few more times and Mina sees a groggy Yoongi heading to he door.

" What the heck do you want Sungjoon?" He asked huskily to the other side of door. Mina watched patiently. Neither of the mens' faces could be seen and Mina simply ends up letting her back lean on the side.

" I just wanted to make sure, you had everything ready by tomorrow. We're planning to release the album early."

" Early? But you said you wanted to make the MV first."

" The head director's been a little antsy after seeing all the comebacks drop."

" Is he right in the head? What does he think dropping the album's gonna do? " Yoongi asked, voice clearer now. Mina had argued with Yoong enough, but he seemed livid.

It looks like something he'd been fighting about for a while now.

Mina let out a breath and turns an eye to Yoongi's cluttered desk. Papers were everwhere,and his desktop computers brightly lit.

" You're going to need to take another nighter, I'm afraid." Sungjoon shrugged, voice unaploegetic.

Mina clenched her fist.

He wasn't the one producing the music,  Yoongi was.

"Just leave Sungjoon, " Yoongi muttered before slamming the door on his face. He looks to the ground and Mina feels goosebumps linger on her neck.

" Come out Mina." He says and Mina walks out from her hiding spot.

" I think you should leave too." He said. Mina could already feel his words slap her.

" Yoongi, you can't." Mina began shaking her head.

" Ofcourse I can, Sungjoon's been at my throat for years and we've still managed to make it work." He said bitterly, eyes dropping go the ground.

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