9. Plans

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High school is different from middle school, at least from what Mina had noticed. In high school for example, the chairs are shaped like the ones in college, where the desks are connected to the chairs, so one would have to slide into the left side of the chair to sit down. It was one of the " joys " of being in high school.


Mina noticed something she would do quite a lot now these days.She would notice a whole lot more of Yoongi than what she normally would fail to see.

Yoongi always had a habit of rubbing his bottom lip every time he was listening intently to something. Mina felt a little happy knowing something everyone else probably didn't.

The sound of a clatter shifts Mina's thoughts away as she spots her pencil on the floor.She rolls her eyes intensively.

The thing with stupid high school desks were that they were impossible to gets things off from the floor if they fall.

The teacher was talking at the moment and she had no intention of standing up to retrieve the utensil, nor asking anyone else because she had severe anti-social problems.

She stretches her right arm as far as she could, shifting her weight all to once side of the desk. She had almost made it when she felt the desk beginning to tip over.

Panicking, Mina pulls away trying to even her weight back again, but it was no use. She was going to fall on the cold hard floor and hit her head.The world would never hear her questions ever again-

A hand presses down on Mina's table so she's not falling and pulls its back upright. Mina opens her eyes to see Yoongi watching her with utter annoyance.

" So you can ask me a bunch of ridiculous questions but you can't ask me to pick up a pencil for you?"

Mina opened her mouth to say something but Yoongi ducked her head down to grab her lousy pencil off the floor before placing it on the table.

" You're welcome." He muttered before turning around.


" I have a plan." Kris smiled widely as she grabbed a carton of chocolate milk from the vending machine. The drink was cold, with water droplets sticking on the surface of the container. She was currently struggling to get the straw into the covered seal.

It was her and Taeyhyung's lunch break
and the two were heading to grab some food before they went to go pester Yoongi and Mina.

" Don't you always." Taehyung rolled his eyes, taking the carton of milk from Kris before stabbing the pointy part of the straw into the drink and taking a small sip. He handed the drink to Kris who sipped it as well.

" If those two can't interact with each other then we'll have to make them interact ourselves." Kris said proudly.

" Kris, the point of the bet is to make them date, we never settled on you being a puppeteer to move the strings of their relationship.Plus what if they don't even like each other in the first place? Do you expect them to last? "

" Ok Mr.I-know-it-all," Kris glared standing in front of him, trying to look superior to him. Taehyung wanted to laugh as the nearly 6 foot tall guy looked down at the 5 foot 6 inch girl.

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