8. I See Pink

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 "Ms.Kim looks nice today." Yoongi murmured today, letting his eyes focus on the teacher. Mina looked at him before watching their music teacher.

Her brown hair was tied up in a pony tail and she was helping one of her students with learning a note on their piano.

Her outfit, as Yoongi complimented , was a cherry pencil skirt with a matching blazer.

" What's so good about it exactly? " she asked, squinting her eyes to see what Yoongi saw that was so "nice".

"She looks nice in pink."

" Doesn't everyone? "

" Yeah maybe everyone...except you."

Mina glared at Yoongi who looked at her and shrugged and watched Mina's face twist into a face of offense.

" But-You know you-Can you quit distracting me? " She asked angrily before trying to focus on her own piano. Yoongi watched, lips twitching as he watches her fidget with a white piano key.

" You sure you can play the piano if all you can see is red? " he continued, staring at Mina's stiff facial muscles.

" I'm am NOT seeing red thank you very much." She sighed, placing her fingers on the right keys.

Mina could not believe she was getting angry over Yoongi's comment. How was it possible that the teacher gets a compliment but she-

"Your pointer finger's supposed to go over there genius." He said, pointing to the key further to the left.

Mina wanted to throw her piano at Yoongi so badly, however her immense amount of self-control was preventing Yoongi's pretty face from getting hit. And also maybe the small fact that the piano was three times her weight.

" Yoongi can you go help that girl over there? " Ms.Kim asks Yoongi, as he nods his head.

Mina seemed disgruntled at this point as she fixed her lopsided glasses with a scowl on her face.

" Don't worry Mina. I'm coming back, so you don't have to look so upset." Yoongi said in a monotone voice as he walked away to help the said student.

Mina was fuming now. How dare he think that she was upset and jelous.Even if she was-

Which she wasn't.

Well even if she was, it was rude of him to assume. Mina began to wonder if her emotions were that easy to read.

Mina stared at her own fingers.Unlike Yoongi's which were long and slender enough to perfectly glide through the piano, she had small hands that could barely coordinate with each other.

" Life is unfair, " she sighed.

" This isn't philosophy class Mina." Ms.Kim said, tapping Mina's shoulder as an usher to focus.


" The world asks us to be different and unique even though it says that we are all equal. How does that even make sense? " Mina asks, drumming her fingers against the side of her desk.

Yoongi, as always, held in his rapidly ticking anger bomb while he listened to her.

" Mina stop harassing Yoongs with your questions. He's loses a brain cell every time you open your mouth."

" Oh?-" Mina began in confusion.

"-Yoongi had brain cells? "

Yoongi turned to see Mina, her smile threatening to spill from her lips.The whole world could tell she was way too proud of her joke.


Mina and Kris walked back home together, watching the sun set in pleasantly appealing colors. It was as if a bath bomb was thrown into the sky.

" It looks so prettttttyyy." Kris swooned. Mina also forgot to mention how her friend was a sucker for aesthetic landscapes.

"You know that its caused by pollution right? Oh yeah but of course you would know.You always ace every science test imaginable."

Kris blew in her cheeks.

" I hate you."

" Touche."

The two girls walk for a while, talking about their classes mostly, while Kris tried to discreetly add in things about Yoongi

" Hey Kris. If someone isn't your type would you consider dating them?" Mina asked, tugging her side bangs.

" I mean, your type is just your preference of the type of significant other you like. So, of course I would." Kris, began wondering why she would ask such a ques-

" You're not my type."

Yoongi's words from the game clicked into Kris's head. Why would Mina even ask about that anyways? She rarely even discusses about love and whatnot.

Coincidence? Not in the slightest.

" Why ask though? " Kris asks curiously, trying to read her robotic friend's emotionless face.

" No reason." Mina shrugged, her own hands nervously fidgeting with her shirt.

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