35. BC VII: Break

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Yoongi's eyes widened. "Is he at the hospital? Where are you now?" Yoongi asked, getting up from the sofa. He grabs his jacket, scooping Holly up.

"He's at the hospital, and I just got to Mina's house." Kris says

"Okay, you stay calm, Yoongi and I are coming down now." Mina responds.

"Okay." Kris replies with an exhale.

Mina chucks Yoongi's phone in her pocket, grabbing her phone and slipping on some shoes.

"Which idiot forgets to notify that the stage isn't safe?" Yoongi mutters, shutting the door after Mina rushes out. The two speed down the flight of stairs, spotting Kris' Mercedes parked. Mina opens the car's door and two slide into the back.

Kris starts the car and speeds out of the driveway.

"Which hospital is he in?"

"It's in Incheon." she replies, chewing her lips as she turns the wheel. The car whirred softly, and the three were silent. Holly whimpered in Yoongi's lap. Kris stared at the road, watching the trees go by.

"Kris, he'll be fine." Yoongi says, patting her shoulder.


"Did they say how serious it was?" Mina asks


After a few minutes, Kris' phone starts ringing and she connects it to the car. "It's Taehyung." she says. "I'll put it on speaker."

"Hello, Taehyung? Are you alright?" Yoongi asks immediately, leaning forward.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I hope you enjoy your car ride to your vacation destination that is Incheon. And please, try not to get too mad at Kris since she's driving," Taehyung's pilot-like voice rings out from the car's speaker.

Mina and Yoongi stare at each other, dazed. Kris laughs nervously. "Um...surprise?"

"So, so you're telling me that you gave us a heart attack, for nothing?" Mina asked.

"I wouldn't say anything." Taehyung chuckled.

"Taehyung, I'm going to kill you." Yoongi responded calmly. He stares straight at Kris through the display mirror. "And then you after we get there."

"I mean technically, he fell...for me. So, that counts as something, right?" Kris fidgets with the steering wheel.

Min rolled her eyes. "No, not in the slightest."

Kris glances back at Yoongi from the rear view mirror. "Okay, hear me out. Yoongi, you never took a break this year. It's always producing new songs, producing, and collaborating. You would literally never consider going on a vacation. "

"And so, we decided to make you take a break whether you like it or not," Kris finished.

"I'm not producing your songs anymore." Yoongi muttered, leaning his head back on the sofa.

"Yoongi." Taehyung said from the speaker, dropping the jolly tone in his voice. "Yes, it was irresponsible of me to trick you, but don't act like you're the saint. You barely get sleep, you're barely eating proper meals. You aren't taking care of yourself." The line is silent for a moment.

Yoongi opens his eyes. "Fine, I'll go on your vacation."

The line goes into a contemplative silence. "Good, I wasn't giving you much of a choice."

"Do you realize you have a comeback to prepare for?" Yoongi asks, rubbing his temple in slow circles.

"I just told them I need three days off to give myself a rest before I start promotions." Everyone could hear the proud grin in his voice. "I booked us a hotel to stay at in Incheon, so I'll meet you there."

PHILOSOPHY  ☽  m.y.gOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora