33. BC I: To Argue

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( PART 1 cuz there's gonna be a total of 8 lol)
- some of it you might recognize it but I just felt like the Kris and Taehyung
ship needs some time you know...sail AHAHHAHA
( btw i was going to just keep these chapters in my draft cuz i thought it was boring lol but @-jinism gave me some motivation to publish it so ty :">>> )

" Can you GIVE ME THE BALL FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE YOONGI?" Mina yells angrily, trying to swipe away the basketball that was effortlessly being dribbled in Yoongi's arms.

It was a Saturday and the high school gang had decided to meet up for good old times to enjoy a free day. Of course being the people that Taehyung and Kris were, they had decided to call Yoongi and Mina to tell them to wait for 2+ hours ( due to the fact that Taehyung was in the middle of a photoshoot with Kris waiting for him in the sidelines.)

Currently the two were in a semi empty basketball court with Yoongi stubbornly hogging the basketball.

" MIN. YOONGI." Mina declared loudly trying to Atleast get the ball that Yoongi was shooting into the hoop multiple times.

" LET ME HAVE A TURNNnnn." She said, folding her arms as Yoongi shoots the ball into the hoop with a boyish grin.

" You suck at basketball." He shrugged, stopping to take a breath before spinning the the ball on his finger. His hair was slightly waved and fluffy after playing for a while and it somehow made him look even better. However Mina wasn't having it and stomp off to the bench, folding her arms.

" Are you upset that I didn't give you the ball? " Yoongi asked sitting beside her. He always knew what to do to make her mad.

" Annoying

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" Annoying." Mina muttered under her breath, scooting away from Yoongi who places the basketball on the side.

" You're so fun to annoy." He laughs, pulling Mina into a bone crushing side hug. Mina's face was completely buried into Yoongi chest and there was no room to breath so she began to tap his back aggressively. Once Yoongi pulls away, Mina's left panting for air.

" Yoo- Yoong- I really can't stand you." She says.

" That's why you're sitting MinMin." He finishes, and wraps an arm around Mina's shoulders before pressing a kiss on her temple. Mina would have been blushing if it weren't for the fact that she was trying to be angry with him.

" You two look comfy." Taehyung rolls his eyes, causing Mina and Yoongi to focus their attention to Kris and Taehyung who were both standing in front of them.


" So this is what you do behind our back YOONGI? Don't violate my best friend like that." Kris says, clutching Mina tightly like a protective mother.

" Says the one who caused all of this." Yoongi says, doing absolutely nothing to hide his jealousy watching Kris cuddle Mina like a teddy bear. After the incident from before, the four decided to hang out in a cafe nearby, sipping on their drinks as they caught up in each other's lives.

" Back in work one of my employees was assigned to set up a office lady and a bus driver together. I got a call an hour later to hear complaints of the same bus driver refusing to leave the office where the lady worked in. Can you believe that? " Kris scoffed, still caressing Mina while Yoongi gave her a livid glare.

" In your company Kris, I believe anything can happen." Yoongi jokes, eyeing Mina who was sitting by Kris' side.

Kris goes to grab some kimchi only to realize Taehyung was as well. The two stare at each other awkwardly before retreating back to their own plates of food. Mina watched the incident take place and looks to Yoongi watching as well.

Something was up.

" Shut up Yoongi." Kris hissed.

" Oh and Mina's mine for the rest of the day, sorry not sorry." Kris said, leaving Yoongi in awe. Mina gives Yoongi a helpless shrug.


After the meal, Yoongi and Taehyung started off, walking ahead while Kris and Mina were behind them.

" Did something happen between you and Taehyung ? " Mina asked deciding to
carefully extract some info from the previous hours.


" What's up with you and Kris? " Yoongi states bluntly, looking behind him to see Mina seriosuly talking with Kris.

" Nothing." Taehyung's jaw tightens at her name. Yoongi give him a look.

" What did you say to her? "

" What are you talking about? We aren't even fighting."

" So my 11 year friendship with both you and Kris have no meaning? " Yoongi questions casually looking over to Mina.

" We—"

" You two looked awkward. Don't lie and tell me what actually happened."

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