7. Test Grades

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Mina was devastated as she rubbed her eyes tiredly

" Guess who got a 100% " Kris smiled brightly as she sat down next to Mina.

" Great Job Kris." Taehyung groaned as he walked in as well.

" I.got.an.85." Mina whined, tears internally flowing from her imaginary sockets. The test was a Mid-term Final and it was the hardest piece of  work that she had ever taken.

Yoongi turned around and leaned his arms against Mina's table, sipping his bottle of slowly before staring at Mina's saddened face.

" Is that bottle half full or half empty? " she asked, trying to soothe her broken heart.

" Are you just half annoying or full of nonsense? "

Mina scrunched her nose and stared at Yoongi with a frown. Kris watched the two, with her own heart hammering. She could actually do this-

Taehyung's long hands stretched to Kris as he pinched the lower part of her elbow. Kris jumped and glared at him.

" Hey I'm the one who asks the questions." She said before Yoongi leans his cheek on his water bottle. Mina felt the Yoongi's andwer from Yesterday haunting her thoughts.

" You are not my type."

" Do you honestly think that I plan on answering them? "

Mina glared and looked away.

Her heart was racing.

Yoongi watched as Mina sucked her cheeks in  out of anger.

" It's just an 85." He says lightly, expression calm as he watches Mina who was trying hard not to cry.

" He says lightly, expression calm as he watches Mina who was trying hard not to cry

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Mina looked at him and then nodded her head before he turned back around.

The bell rang and Kris and Taehyung began walking into their own class.

" You see those two? They have chemistry." She muttered, nudging Taehyung shoulder. Taehyung looked at before a smile formed in the corners of his mouth while he watched Kris expalin her theory.

She had a weird expression when she talked.I small little dimple would form at the corner of her mouth. Taehyung moved a finger to lips to shush her.

" Let's talk about this later, it's giving me a headache."

" Oh why of course Tae, let's talk about this after my plans begin to unravel." She muttered with a cheeky smile.

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