27. The Awakening

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" Do you think she's cheating on you? "

" What are you talking about Kris? "

Mina's eyes opened slowly as she met face to face Kim Taehyung sleeping peacefully om the wooden floor.

Right beside her.

Her sight was blurry since she had just woken up but she blinked a few more times to notice.

Mina's eyes widened as she scooted back, hitting someone's leg with her back before groaning.

" Whattt happened? "

" You're sly," Yoongi, the guy towering above her said plainly.

Kris fangirled and then helped Mina up.

" I fell asleep on the floor—ooooww." Mina rubbed her sore back as she stared at Yoongi.

" You seemed comfortable beside Taehyung." Kris muttered.

" I had no idea—I promise." Mina flushed, still looking at Yoongi who was now wearing an oversized black T-shirt along with a pair of pants.Yoongi then gave her a final stare before going to poke Taehyung's cheeks with his foot. He had probably gotten them from Kris to spend the night.

Which then proceeded with Kris smacking Yoongi's head and dragging him off to make food for the morning.

But it was just a misunderstanding.

Was Kris jealous just now?

Mina rubbed her eyes and groaned, holding her back and then walking to the kitchen to see Yoongi's stealing blueberries from bowl full of them while Kris made batter for the pancakes.

Mina leaned against the countertop beside Yoongi and watched him silently.

" You know it was an accident right? "

" You know I don't care right? " he asks back. Mina lets a scoff.

" You were the one sending stink eyes to me."

" No I wasn't."

" Yes you were."

" No I wasn't."

" Yes you were."

" No I wasn't."

" Yes you were—"

" We could do this all day Kim Mina." He says, turning to her. Kris smiles cheekily.

" I think I forgot to grab the sugar from our closet.Be right back. Mina can you make sure Yoongi doesn't finish these blueberries? "

" Um sure." Mina says, walking to the blueberry filled bowl and grabbing a handful to eat once Kris left.Yoongi walked over to the bowl as well and slid an arm around Mina's shoulder to stop her from devouring the navy blue paintball looking fruits. Mina quickly dropped the blueberries into the bowl again.

" What made Kris think you were fit for the job? " He asked. Mina blushed, trying to wiggle out of Yoongi's grasp. She turned to look at him  only to receive a tight smirk on his face.

" You're blushing."


" Your cheeks gets really red you know that right?" Yoongi asked, grabbing a blueberry from his free hand and popping it into his mouth. Mina rolled her eyed and unconsciously places her hands on her cheeks.

" But that's not whats important." He says turning Mina to face him so that her back was pressed  against the cold countertop.

" We've been dating for just a day and you already spent a night Taehyung." He said.

" WHAT?" Mina said, after successfully tugging away from Yoongi.

" Okay No,No i did not—It was just an accident—" Mina drastically waved her arms back and forth in front of her face to create a sloppy "X" .

" He's just teasing you Mina.You're too easy to get worked up over stuff." Kris said with a yellow bag of sugar in her hands. Yoongi took the sugar bag, giving Mina a last glance as he helped Kris with the batter.

Since when did Yoongi get so jealous?

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