15. Sick

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Mina sniffed back her sneeze as she blows into the soft Kleenex tissue, recieving tons of irritated glances from her peers.

Unfortunately no amount of  begs nor pleads could get her mother to let her stay at home. All she did was make her some bland rice porridge and take a dose of cough syrup.

" Someone's sick." Yoongi mumbled, as he turned his head to grab something from his book bag.

" No kidding." She sniffed again.

" You look like Rudolph the red nosed
reindeer. " 

" Thanks. Now go do your work before I sneeze in your face."

" Nasty," was all he said, before happily turning to do his work, seeing how Mina wouldn't be asking him any questions for the rest of the day.


Kris skipped into Mina and Yoongi's class like it was her house and sat beside Mina.She heard Mina's cough and slid away from her as fast as she slid in.

" Woah Woah woah, what happened to you? " Kris said, scooting next to Yoongi.

" Pain." Mina groaned.

" The only thing she does is sneeze." Yoongi glared at the girl behind him.

" Um you're welcome. Atleast I'm not spreading my germs everywhere." Mina squinted in his direction.

" You are a germ." Yoongi muttered in response.

" You got sick on the way back home didn't you? " Kris sighed.

Mina nodded sheepishly.

" Your mom is always the same. I bet you she still would have made you come even if you're two feet were paralyzed and you were on the verge of your death just to make sure your attendance is 100%."

" That's my mom for you." She sighed.

" Anyways, I'm so excited, in just two months we're all going to college. College. Oh my gosh,guys, we're actually going to be freshmen again." Kris squealed.

" And there is a reason why you have little to no friends." Yoongi said.Kris whined, balling her hands into fists and hitting his shoulder. Yoongi grabbed her wrists and placed them on her lap abruptly.

" Can you shut up, my head is throbbing." Mina hissed pulling her head up to see Yoongi watching her, staring right into her soul.

" You really shouldn't be in school—" Yoongi began only to be shut up again.

" I know—ACCCCCCHHHHOOOOOOO." Mina sneezed loudly, right into Yoongi's face. Kris let out a gasp and stared horrified as Yoongi calmly watched Mina gape in surprise.

" Mina, um, you better—" Kris began.

" I'm giving you a count of three." Yoongi said slowly, annunciating each word.

" What? " Mina asked.

" Three." Yoongi said, picking his head. His eyes looked scary, like his pupils were replaced with crackling fire. Yoongi began, getting up from his chair.

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