25. D8-ing..?

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" So are we dating now? "

" I guess so."

" What the heck man."

" What? "

" This is not how I expected it to go." Mina murmured, under her breath as she walked beside Yoongi.

" Did you expect me to drop down and propose to you with roses? "

" I didn't expect anything to happen in the first place. And plus, I hate flowers cuz they attract bees so if you ever did do that, I would have rejected your sorry butt."

" I was joking. I wouldn't waste my money on flowers, for you anyways."

" Yoongi you monster."

" We should have used the bus." Yoongi said, ignoring her words which had caused Mina to glare.

" You're the idiot who thought walking would be the best idea."

" You agreed with me." Yoongi shrugged.

" When did I ever? , I told you to catch the bus home and now we're like a mile away from the bus stop." Mina sighed.

" Kris's house isn't that far anyways." Yoongi countered, his hands fitting Mina's palm before he dragged her away.

" Ew don't touch me." Mina joke lightly even though her heart melted when Yoongi's shoulder kept touching hers when they walked.

" Since we are 'dating', I  think MinMin has a nice ring to it. " he said while walking. His girlfriend next to him let out a chide glance.

" Since when do you think? " Mina asked smugly.


" Taeeeee."

" Taeeehhhhyyyuuunnngg.


" Hyungnimmmm."

" I win the bet.No kind of sweet talk can get you out of your mess." Taehyung said, ruffling his hazelnut hair, causing a bunch of hair strands to fall into his eyes.

Kris could only frown more as she pursed her lips into a pout and looked down at the ground.

" Okay you win.What did you want? " She asks, picking her head up to stare right into Taehyung's chin, since her height could not compensate for his. 

Taehyung grew silent as he took in the girl in front of him whose hair was messily laying on her shoulders. Her cheeks held a rosy hue due to the heat of outside and her eyes were twinkling with the reflection of the sun.

" Just so you know I'm not making any promises or bets with you ever again and I hate you and I hate you and did I mentions that I really hate you? Just wait till I tell Yoo-" Kris's eyes widened within a moment's notice as she felt a pair of lips just grazing her own chastely. It couldn't be Taehyung.

" What the—"

" What? You owed me your first kiss. That was my part of the bet."  He shrugged casually.

" Did you jUST— OH MY GOSH YOU ARE DEAD YOU ARE DEAD I WILL BURY YOU IN ANTARCTICA YOU DEAD PEICE OF MEAT." Kris's cheeks were flaring a red hue and her threat seemed even emptier as Taehyung laughed, cutely.

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