new kid

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As soon as the bell rang I left class and went to find Alejandro. I soon find him talking to Rowan at his locker. I slowly approach to not disturb them. "Yea... okay..." Rowan says before walking away and straight pass me. "He-" I say before he completely ignores me and walks away. Alejandro is putting his books in his locker when I ask, "what'd you guys talk about?" "Nothing really." He says not making eye contact with me. Okay. I stand there patiently before I see elena. I walk away and go to her.

V: hey
E: hey, what are you doing today?
V: um me and your brother is suppose to take Myaa and Emiliano to the mall today
E: wow thanks for the invite asshole
V: ok you can come then
E: joking I don't wanna be with my siblings on a mondayyy, no thanks
V: you're a hater
E: I know, I wanna see Myaa though.
V: sucks to suck hater

I say before Alejandro comes up next to me.

E: ugh speaking of the devil
A: shat awp bitch
E: whatever monkey
V: you guys need to learn to be nice jeez
E: I'm nice. He's rude
A: love you elena!
E: gross never mind I'm leaving

She says turning away and walking. "Really?" I say as ale shrugged his shoulders. I obviously still can't shake off why he's acting like this but I walk to his car silently. Myaa them finished school in 30 minutes so we drove there and parked in the front. As he put his gear on park I immediately grab my phone. Funny how Rowan had just texted me.

Hey I talked to Alejandro and my bad if I was stepping out of boundaries with you

Wait what do you mean you talked to Alejandro?

He told me you guys were dating and you felt uncomfortable talking to me?

He told you that?
After school?

I'm guessing you didn't know?
My bad he was probably gonna tell you later.
I'll stop bothering you now thanks for the tour btw.

No! Don't worry about anything!
I don't feel uncomfortable I don't know why he told you that.
But I'll talk to you later


Did ale really? Is he serious? I never once said I felt uncomfortable around Rowan at ALL. I break the silence that formed in the car.

V: what did you tell Rowan after school?
A: huh?
V: you heard me. What did you tell Rowan?
A: nothing?
V: Alejandro stop with the lying.
A: i-
V: you told him I felt uncomfortable around him? When did I ever say that?!
A: it's- I don't know okay! I got jealous you were getting close with him and when he sat next to you during lunch
V: yea maybe because I was his first friend here and he's new???
A: did you tell him I was your boyfriend??
V: ALEX. I don't need to tell him ANYTHING. I thought me sitting next to you and getting all close on you was enough for him to figure it out.
A: you still could of-
V: okay yea maybe I should've told him you and I were together but why would I? Me and him just met and I didn't feel the need to?
A: i- Okay I'm sorry! Jealousy takes over me sometimes and I'm working on it okay.
V: I understand you're working on it but you've done this so much times Alejandro it's tiring.
A: I'm sorry

He says as I go quiet and face away from him. He doesn't say much while we wait for the kids to get out from school. It felt like forever but the bell finally rang and we both walked in to grab our siblings. "VIOLET!!" Emiliano yelled running into my arms as myya yelled, "ALEX!!" Also running into his arms. We both hug them super tight before we all walk back to Alejandro's car. We put them in there car seat before driving off to the mall. "Are you guys hungry?" I ask the two rascal kids in the back seat. "Ummmmmmm maybeeeee." Emiliano says as Myaa nods crazily. I giggle before turning back to the front. I didn't text Rowan back so maybe I should now.

Hey sorry about Alejandro
I didn't say I felt uncomfortable lol he just thought
Don't worry about anything though!

Oh okay lol

I'm still kind of annoyed he even did that. I mean yea okay out of jealousy but he's been doing this and it gets 100% annoying.

As soon as we pull into the lot of the mall the kids are literally KNOCKED OUT. It was only a 15 minute ride oh my gosh. Me and Ale look at each other before sighing and leaning down into our seats. "Are you mad still?" He asks looking at me. "Why did you even tell him that? Do you still not trust me?" I say incredibly serious.


"Why did you even tell him that? Do you still not trust me?" Her words run through my ears before I can reply. Of course I trust her. It's the guys at this school. Regardless of him being new or not. We all know guys act as "best friends" and the moment me and violet would ever get into a fight or god forbid we break up, they go in and try to get with her. It's the circle of life. "Of course I do! Why would you even ask that??" I say a little to aggressive then I meant for it to come out. "Why would I ask that? Maybe because you continuously accuse me of like flirting or trying to be with a guy." She says softer since the kids were sleeping. "Well it's just- you know how girls have been in my past okay." I say finally accepting the fact I've always been scared. Yea I was a play boy before but violet, she's different. Vic had always did me wrong and maybe I've compared their actions to each other but is it wrong to want to? "Alejandro." She says while I look and play with my hands. She notices my sadness as she lays her hand on my shoulder. "Look at me." She says causing me to slowly turn to her. "I'm not like any girls in your past okay?" She says as I intake a huge breathe. "I know and I'm sorry that I always think you're doing something I just- I really like you and I don't wanna lose you." I say as tears slightly form on the edges of my eyes before I wipe them away. "I'm always gonna be here. Even if we broke up. I'm kind of your sisters best friend." She says as we both slowly giggle. "Haha okay." I say while we both turn to see the kids slowly rubbing their eyes. "Bubba." Emiliano calls for me. "Are we here yet?" He says still not fully awake. Me and violet laugh a little before we nod and take them into the mall. We get some food hang around and what not. I don't think I will ever get over the fact people had did me wrong in my past. I just have to realize the past is in the past for a reason. Violet, she's my future.


best friends brother - Alejandro Rosario Where stories live. Discover now