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I still don't want to depend on mrs Rosario for a ride to school so I continue to go with myaa and the nanny. Especially if me and ale are gonna be talking and fighting I don't want to have to always find ways to avoid him. It's been a couple days since our last talk and I'm super happy right now. Alex does get jealous when I talk to mattia but I keep reassuring him everything is fine between us. Nothing really extremely has happened since we've just been in school and going home so of course no drama. Except for alaya of course.

Flash back to Wednesday
We were all in the front of the school waiting for mateo to pull his car around so we can all go out and eat. Alaya and her 2 girl friends came around the corner looking at Alejandro them like they were eye candy. Elena and I were fast to do something to make them jealous. I came in between ale and mattia and wrapped my arms around them as I squealed, "ahhh I'm so thankful for you guys!" As Elena wrapped her arms around kairi Alvaro and Roshaun, "I'm also thankful whores." We all we're giving each other little hugs when we heard alaya say, "fuckin hoe." As she walked passed. I quickly dropped my arms as Elena also does and of course I snap back, "did you say something?" "I said. Fuckin. HOE!" Alaya screamed while tucking her hair behind her ears. "Alaya it isn't nice to talk about yourself like that. Get some help or I'll knock some sense into you... like violet did..." elena says smirking. I also smirk before mattia came around us and put his hands over me and Elena's shoulder. "Hey. Alaya. Um nice seeing you? Kinda not really anyway Mateo is here." He says guiding us to his car. "It wasn't nice seeing you polibio. Too bad you couldn't get in my pants." Alaya says blowing a kiss and slowly walking away. "THATS IT." I say ducking under mattias arms and running to her. I pull at her bag forcing her to slip and fall. "Talk to my friend like that one more time and I'll make sure that your pants will go all the way up your ass as much as your ego does!!" I said screaming at her while she was on the ground and her friends were helping her up. She says to fuck off before I say, "I swear Alaya, leave me AND my fucking friends alone. You fucking lost and no one wants your pathetic ass right now. If you seriously don't know when to stop I will take your ego out of your ass and kick the living shit out of you okay??" I say getting close when mattia comes back to me and grabs me. "Enough violet." He says pulling at my arm. I walk back over to them before ale comes up. "Damn violet you looked like you were bout to beat her ass... for the second time haha." Alejandro says while checking my face. "No bruises baby." I say smiling. "V I wanted to kick her ass today not you!" Elena says laughing her ass off. We all laugh it off before going to McDonald's.
End of flash back

Yea she was annoying and now she walks down the hall not even glancing at us. Me and Alejandro aren't official but it's fine.

I get ready and wear,

Sweaters are kinda my thing hehe

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Sweaters are kinda my thing hehe. Anyways I gathered my things and headed downstairs. "Hey Adele." I say greeting our nanny. Whenever my mom was insanely busy she was here to just make sure the house was clean and everything was intact. "Good morning violet. Did you want some cereal?" She asks so sweet. Adele never ever did anything wrong and it's scary. But she's a really nice and genuine person. "Um... nah it's okay I think I'll just get a waffle." I say as she nodded. 10 minutes later we got into her car and she drove us to school.

When I got there the boys weren't there and so wasn't Elena. Hmm okay. I walk past Gabe them letting them know I'm just gonna head to class.

hey where are you?

Coming late Emiliano was being a brat this morning



It's kinda weird how all the boys weren't there also but like cmon there always late lmao. I go to my classes and what not. Elena finally is here and she told me Ale was out sick.

Hi bby are you okay?

No not really.

What's wrong?

My tummy is super sore 😣
I think I have the flu so I'm not coming in

Awh okay, we don't need to do the sleep over this week if you don't feel well

No it's fine they can all come over I'd rather have fun then to be bored and sick

I'm just gonna go home first and I'll come over Okay?

Okay have fun at school ❤️



Poor thing. I'm probably just gonna go home and ask Adele to take me to target before heading to Alejandro's.

Skip to lunch

I sat down with all the boys. "So whats the plan for this week?" Kairi asks. "Um ale said we can still have the sleep over at his house this weekend?" I say looking at elena to make sure she was okay with it. She nodded and we just all talked.

Skip to after school

I said bye to them and that I'd see them later. I walked home to meet Adele them there since myaa ended a little later. I got my things ready and texted Adele.

Hey Adele could you take me to target and then drop me off at the Rosario's?

Be outside in two minutes.



In a matter of a few minutes I walk downstairs and head outside. She pulls up right away and we head to target. "Hey myaa!" I say giving her a kiss from the front seat. She giggles and smiles of course. "Does your mom know your going?" Adele asks concerned. "Um no... I was gonna text her." I say pulling out my phone. We get to target and I just ran in to get a few things. I got ale his favorite drink, ice cream, and chips. I also got the others some things. I checked out and Adele dropped me off. "Thank you!" I say waving at the two of them in the car. They wave off and leave.

I walked into the house to be greeted by all of them. I left there snacks on the table and quickly headed up to Alejandro's room. I opened the door to reveal him laying in bed on his phone as usual. "Hey." I say walking over to him. I touched his body and he felt normal. I proceeded to touch his head. Normal. No sign of any heat but the flu usually always gives you heat right? "You're feeling better." I say while rubbing his back. He turns to me, "um yea. I- I drank medicine that's why." He says a little cautious. "Okay... um well if your not up for it the boys are all downstairs if you-" "no it's okay I think I'm gonna rest first. You go have fun." He says to me giving me a peck on the cheek. I smile and walk out. What was that? Why do I get the feeling he's hiding something?? Or someone??

best friends brother - Alejandro Rosario Where stories live. Discover now