Violet <3

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Before I know it I'm a 15 year old sophomore during mid year. Wow time literally flies. I reminisce about the memories I had during my childhood when my phone rings to break me from my thoughts.

Incoming call from Elena

E: VIOLET!! Are you even ready??
V: chill I am I was just doing something I'll be out right noowww
E: okay hurry we're almost there.

Elena, my best friend. We've been friends since elementary and it's just us two and like two other guys but we're not talking about them right now. Anyways, me and Elena have been best friends for? 10 years? We officially met during first grade in elementary and were practically inseparable. Both our parents love love each other. We've done almost everything together haha. She had long black hair that fell down to her mid back and she was hispanic, my height which was like 5'2? Yea. I on the other hand also had long black hair but was way longer. We basically looked alike but just our face features were different. Her mom picks me up everyday to take us to school and my mom drops us off. Weird I know.

I head out my door wearing,

I head out my door wearing,

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(With black shoes)

Elena's mom: Em

V: hey mom!
Em: hola violet

When I get in the car I obviously greet Elena's mom. I say hi to elena and her little brother Emilio. Her older brother, Alejandro was kinda stubborn? We had little convos but we're not close even if I'm at Elena's house a lot lol. We usually tease each other about something and that's the only reason why we're talking ahah. I'm not gonna lie and say that I haven't thought he was handsome because he really waaasssss. Like wwoooowww. Elena's family definitely were played favorites since they look so dammnnn stunninnggg ommggg. My family is definitely good looking I guess? Idk. My mom and dad are divorced and my mom has a new husband as my dad has a new wife. I don't mind. As long as my step parents stay in their place lol. I had an older brother who was off in college, Zander. He was always overprotective and I loved him for that but a year ago he moved across the whole country and ended up in Seattle. He goes college there so it's fine. So it's just me, and my step sister... I miss him no cap, but we all grow up some day. Anywyas I have a step sister who's a year younger then me, it's my moms husbands daughter. Her mom was unfit and what not so her dad got custody of her so here we are lol. We're not entirely close but yea she's here. My dad lives in LA so I rarely see him since he's also on the other side of the country. I had an option to move to LA but I couldn't leave my life behind here.

We leave the car and me, Elena, and Alejandro approach the front of the high school. Alejandro leaves us to go to his friends but me and elena go up to our friends.

Friend group:
Elena: E
Gabe: G
Justin: J
Violet (the persons pov btw): V

"Hey losers." Gabe says to us as we approach them. We all say hi to each other and walk into the school. Gabe was really handsome. He had wavy black hair that fell onto his forehead whenever he didn't wear a hat. Not gonna lie I had a little crush on him like for a while but he's always gonna just be my best friend and that's just what keeps me from saying something. Justin had blonde wavy hair that was put on the side. Elena and Justin are complicated. We all know they have a thing for each other but none of them will make the move. Me and Gabe sit back and literally laugh about it.

School passes by and it's just boring. It consists of me walking pass ale and his friends and he makes dumb comments that I have comebacks for and yea you already know. My mom picks us up and she drops us off at Elena's. Her mom usually just dropped me off at home later lol. Elena's parents including mines were wealthy but we weren't those non humble kids ha. We walked up to her room and threw ourselves on her bed.

E: dude you don't understand how hungry I am
V: pizza??

We both get up and decide on what to buy, a pizza, & wings. We order the pizza and wait for it in her room. We do some homework and talk a little before we hear the doorbell ring. "THE PIIZZAAASSS HEERREEE!!" I say running down the stairs with the money in my hand. I pay the deliverer and take the food into the kitchen and lay it on the island counter. "Damn okay we're probably not gonna eat this all but I hope ale brings his friends to finish this aha." Elena says causing me to laugh. We bring her computer down and watch tv as we ate. That's when the door flies open to reveal the group of boys that were most of the times annoying. Kairi, the short one of the group but was one of the nicest. Mattia, one of the taller ones. He was nice when he needed to be but was also really mean and rude sometimes. Robert, was definitely super sweet and was only mean when he needed to be. And then Alejandro... handsome best friends brother who probably has no interest in since I mean he's dating one of the most prettiest girls I've ever seen. (Vic) All the boys were nice to me and annoyed me sometimes but they were like brothers. They were also overprotective of me and elena but hey that's fine. They were all tiktok famous and it wasn't fun having a friendship with tiktok stars in our school since it would just draw unnecessary attention to us and drama for no reason. And that's why me and Elena have two other friends besides each other lol. "Sooo y'all bought pizza and didn't get for us?" Kairi says tilting his head with his hands on his hips. "Oh please we know we can't even finish this so go and eat it dummy." I say making them all excited and grab a pizza. "Thanks short stack." ale says to me as he bites into his pizza. I roll my eyes and clean up my plate and leave the kitchen to the living room. Elena was still in the kitchen eating but I was done. Mattia came into the living room and sat on the couch near me but not next to me. He just stares at me until I turn my head and say something. "Do you need something mattia?" "I do actually, thanks for bringing it up but anyways wanna go target real quick?" He says as I looked confused as hell. He's never asked me to go anywhere with him before. We talked and got along but was never that close to just go out considering I'm just "Alejandro sisters friend". "Um sure? I guess? What do you need?" I say asking him. "Um can I tell you in the car?" I nod and we walk pass the kitchen letting them know we'd be back. We got the weird stares and comments but I looked at elena and told her it's fine. She nodded and me and mattia left in his car.

best friends brother - Alejandro Rosario Where stories live. Discover now