mi amor

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Alejandro then throws me across his bed making me pout. "Oh come on don't act like you don't even wanna stay." He says coming near me. I put my hand near him and get up to approach the door. "Wow wow wow where are you going?" He says tugging at my arm. "None of your beez waks." I say to make him annoyed. "Oh really?" Ale says while pulling me towards him and tickling me. "A- a- Ale- Alejandro!" I say inbetween laughs and giggles. I finally get out of his grip and run out his door. I run towards Elena's room and closed her door. "Damn chill I thought you were leaving?" She says confused. "Your clown of a brother persuaded me to stay over today so guess where were goingggg." I say making her sigh. "I'm kidding. But the weekend is still up for." I say nudging her. She laughs and says, "ok ok whatever but I'm serious what if he doesn't like me-" "What if who doesn't like you??" Ale says barging through the door. I see the annoyance on Elena's face when I grab a pillow and throw it at him. "OUT!" I say making him pout per usual. "Wow didn't think you'd take my side over his." Elena says surprised. "What do you mean??" Did she really think I'd leave her for a GUY? I hope not. "Well it's just you know when girls get into a relationship they tend to leave their ugly best friend behind." She says kinda embarrassed. "Never ever think that again. For one you're not ugly! And two I would never leave you for your damn brother." I say hitting her. She laughs and begins to once again spill her feelings. The attraction she has for kairi is unexplainable. She overthinks everything as I also do but I just tell her to trust me on this one. She agrees after a while and I tell her I was hungry. "Can you guys go get food? I'm kinda laaazzyyy." She says. I nod and walk out to go to Alejandro's room. It is very much weird to be able to walk 20 feet from my best friends room to a guy I'm talking to room.

I open his door to reveal him making tiktoks of course. I jump on his bed while I wait for him to finally acknowledge me. "Sooo, I'm hungry and I'm guessing you are too so do you wanna go get food?" I say breaking the silence that was created. He doesn't say anything and continues to watch tiktoks now. Is he really going to give me the silent treat me again? Two times in a row? Jeez I thought I was dramatic. He doesn't acknowledge me for the second time so I come up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist. "Are you really gonna ignore me again." I say bringing my head around for him to see. He looks at me and turns so that we're face to face. "Come on let's go." I say giving him puppy dog eyes. He gives in and wraps his arms around my neck and pulls me into him for a hug. I rest my head on his chest taking in every second of this. The smell of mint lingers in my nose before I pull away. "Are you mad?" I say confused. "No. Just tired mi amor, come on." He says grabbing his keys. The sweet Alejandro is the best.

Authors note:

Hi hi thank you so so so much for reading this :)) this chapter was just a filler because the next few ones are gonna be the start of new drama :D pls leave ideas for me to use in the next chapters also because I'm gonna run out of ideas and I really like how this book is going :)

best friends brother - Alejandro Rosario Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ