Nyx smiled widely, "Ah so it is Lana's son. It would make sense that the prophecy was speaking of her and not you." She said looking Anne over.

I watched Anne step forward, "No, no. He's not yours to mentor and raise!" She said loudly and Nyx hushed her, "You'll hurt his ears." She said cocking an eyebrow at Anne.

Wait, "What's so important about him?" I asked the two of them.

Anne stepped back and looked to me, "Lana's son is meant to be the rightful ruler of the new world. His upbringing sets the path for the future. If he's raised amongst humans and vampires and us, peace will fall among the world. But if he isn't, and instead he loathes humanity...well let's just say Nyx gets her dream." She said low and aggravated.

Oh shit.

I stared at Anakin and watched Nyx smirk before leaving and telling us to enjoy catching up.

Anne was getting super anxious and nervous, and I took her hand staring into her eyes, "It's not Heath." I said quietly.

She furrowed her eyebrows, "Then who-"

I mouthed "Lily" and she gasped, then moved back and stared at the bars, "She had a son." She said softly with a smile, "I owe her twenty bucks." She added quietly.

Anne sat on the corner of the bed, "Is she okay? Are they all okay? How's Jolene?" She asked nervously.

We have a lot to talk about I guess, where should I begin?

Maybe the day we went to rescue her.

Dayna's POV:

My god, this guy is so annoying.

"No, I said twenty. Not five." I sighed and shut my eyes rubbing the migraine forming in my mind.

Lincoln was grinning at me and tapping my foot with his shoe. I held his stare and thought back to when we celebrated my birthday in the hotel. That was the greatest night of my life.

He dropped his head back into the cage looking over at me and not knowing how hot he looked.

The door opened and I heard a girl talking loudly, "I leave this place for three days, three and already you guys are fucking your meals. Honestly, no one wants a cream filled donut. Alright? Back off. There's a pleasure den for a fucking reason you twats." She said annoyed. 

Bastian and Dimitri both looked down and I remembered her voice vaguely.

Staring down, I watched the girl who looked like some Viking warrior with long blonde hair and two braids along the sides of her hair.

She was fit but not too much, and had a bitchy face, but I knew exactly who she was. She was one of those Vixen sisters that Viktor brought into the family.

I looked to Bastian and Dimitri, watching them stare down at her in disbelief.

"She's alive?!" Dimitri asked in annoyance.

Bronx sighed, "At this point, I'm just going to believe everyone we left behind is alive. In fact, I won't even be surprised if Luscious walked through that door and said 'Hey mother fuckers, I'm back!'." He was saying in an annoyed tone.

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