Chapter 9: Not My Little Girl

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They hung beside us and I watched as Dayna and her boyfriend Lincoln cursed and spat down at them.

I stared around my cage looking for her and then pulling her to my chest, Kayla hugged me and stared over at the hundred other cages held up.


Some people had massive gashes and cuts in their body. It's almost like they were being...cut.

Dimitri, Alan and Bronx sat down staring at me and Kayla.

The other cage held Dayna, Lincoln, Minerva and Carter Ryland.

They were very loud too.

"You guys might want to shut up." Alan said to them as he stared at their cage.

Minerva scowled at him, "We need to get out." She said making me roll my eyes.

Like that's going to help.

"You're drawing attention to yourselves." Bronx said watching Dayna flip him off.

Lincoln was trying to find a way to get out the cage. "Cousin, Don't. Just sit. And be quiet. Do that later." Dimitri said to him.

He scowled at Dimitri and focused back on trying to get out.

They're all idiots.

Carter kept telling them to listen but they ignored him. At least ones smart.

"Listen to them." A guy from another cage said while they ignored him too. Idiots.

Michaels POV:

"Fuck." I muttered as I stared at the massive bear. It's roar grew and I took a step back in the zoo sanctuary and as it jumped for me, raising its paw and swinging it, I jumped up and ran past it, up and over its back, jumping on and grabbing it pulling the bear into a headlock before I dug my fangs into its neck and pulled back.

The bears blood gushed out and as the bear dropped to the floor, I jumped and grabbed the ledge, pulling myself up and staring around the zoo.

What the fuck?

"God dammit!" Ryker shouted and I moved to the giant cages with the lions inside.

Both of them on either sides of him.

Then slowly, I realized everyone was in one.

What the fuck is this place?

Going to the cages, I spread the chain links open and moved into the lions sanctuary helping Ryker by taking down one of the lions and he took the other.

"Have you seen Lily?" He asked and I shook my head, "She went in another boat. We'll find her." I said watching him nod worriedly.

We hurried out and began following all the grunts and shouts.

Norahs scream came and I ran to it, she was being hit by a pack of Baboons. They were grabbing at her arms and legs.

Jumping inside, I helped her by swinging a branch into them and smashing their heads in before pulling her and taking her with me out the cage.

We found Judah in with a cheetah, Nik with a python, Rye with the rhinos, Leandro had a pack of hyenas, Tyler had a swarm of alligators, Erebus was with five Vultures and Lucien came out of a blood soaked tank with three dead sharks floating.

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