Chapter 7: Heath & Zuri

Start from the beginning

Going to my house, I stared at the counter with my coffee stale and old.

A cup of hot coffee was placed down in front of me and I looked to Amelia who gave a soft smile, "You did good." She said before going up the stairs.

I sighed and rubbed the tiredness from my eyes.

Petra's POV:

Alright Petra, we have one chance at this.


Since Koda isn't listening and Jameson's gone, I have to go to Rosie.

"Rosie." I said watching her lift her head off the pillow and stare at me annoyed, "What?" She asked turning her light on and blinding us both.

She sat up and I remembered Nyx's words, about her searching for the newborn, but she said that far before Anakin was born. That means Lana's son, Heath. Her son. That's what she meant!

This is the first and last time I will ever save the earth.

I sat on the edge of her bed, "I need you to go to Lana's home, take Heath, and then wrap him up and take Zuri, and hide them both in the cellar under the shed. It can be accessed by pulling the rope. I need you to do this for me, for the whole world. Okay?" I asked watching her sigh and nod.

Thank god she isn't an idiot.

"Why?" She asked and I thought of telling her, but I know what'll happen, she'll tell Alex who will want to save his family who will want to save everyone and then they all die.

I shook my head, "It's just for tonight. Tomorrow you can let them out. Just trust me." I said watching her yawn and stand out of the bed.

Oh thank god, "Hurry. You've got about an hour and fifteen minutes." I said calculating how far the vampwolves were from the island.

She waved me off and slipped on boots before going out her door.

I went to Koda's room and felt such a heavy heart.

I'm sorry Koda.

Rosie's POV:

This girl is the biggest pain in my ass.

Going into Lana's home first, I quietly snuck up to Heaths bedroom and opened the door to see Lana laying in the rocking chair asleep.

I quietly crept to the crib and lifted Heath out, placing the pacifier to his mouth and wrapping him tightly before going out the room and shutting the door.

Next, I went to the wolves home and crept to Zuri's room.

She woke up with wild hair and gave me a confused look, "Petra needs our help." I said quietly while she nodded and followed by taking my hand.

We went out the house and I took them both to the shed and pulled the string Petra was pointing to.

I looked down at the hole, "It's a hole! That's not a place for kids." I said while Petra scowled and dared me to question her.


Zuri went in first and I handed her Heath and a blanket. She fell asleep with Heath beside her.

"Tell her no matter what she hears, she can't come out. Not until she hears a familiar voice call her out." Petra said to me staring down at Zuri.

I gave a nod and wondered what the hell was happening but I'm too tired to hear her whacked out shit. I relayed the message and Zuri gave me a thumbs up while I shut the door and headed out the shed, shutting the door.

Going to my room, I shut the door and fell asleep in my bed, feeling exhausted and wondering if Lana's going to kill me.

Valdus's POV:

"Heath!" Lana screamed loudly, her voice ringing through the entire island, ripping through the windows.

I shot up off the couch and hurried out the door taking my guns and running out the house.

Coming ashore on over thirty boats was hundreds of Vampwolves.

Lana was at the porch fighting and trying her best to get to the helicopter that was hovering over the water low. A vampire got on with a baby wrapped in its arms.

Then Lucien came running out from behind me, "Vydia!" He shouted wielding his swords and jumping onto the roof.


I ran off the porch staring at the vampire carrying Vydia who was knocked out.

The vampires tossed Vydia to each other and jumped from house to house effortlessly. Meanwhile Lucien was chasing them down to get to Vydia.

As they put Vydia in the helicopter, they flew off and I was frozen in place. It all happened within a minute.

Lana screamed with Lucien, both of them waking everyone up.

But it quickly went to a shit show.

Within five minutes, I was bashing an axe into these massive beasts and realizing my ammo was nothing against them.

Ben kept telling Lana to stop fighting, and she wouldn't.

Michael was beating them left and right and demolishing their skulls.

We had about sixty of us, and around five hundred of them. We were out numbered and I could hear all the screams, everyone crying.

Jolene was shouting for Rose, and Lily for Anakin. Norah shouted for her daughters to run and Katie was dragged across the sand and slammed into a house while hey examined her face before tossing her in one of the ships.

I kept fighting, pushing them and beating them.

Ben began fighting when he realized Lana wasn't going to stop and Jessa was crying and clinging to Judah while the vampwolves tried to tear her from him.

They were sorting everyone into different boats, splitting us and thinking about where we would fit.

I was tossed into a boat with Lana and Ben, Lana was shouting at Ben and hitting him while sobbing. She kept saying he let them take her baby.

We all slowly began to fade in our visions and I hadn't realized until a moment later. They've stuck us all.

I'm getting really tired now.

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