Seteth x Reader (Angst)

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[May contain spoilers]

Seteth's P.O.V.

"Seteth..." I hear Y/n, my fellow advocate, mumble behind me, "What are we going to do? Edelgard's army will be here in mere minutes and-"

"Y/n, we'll be fine. After all, we have the professor and Her Grace the archbishop on our side."

We weren't fine. We lost the battle. We lost the archbishop and the professor. We almost lost the monastery. We almost lost each other. We survive in the monastery by ourselves, fighting others out. 

"Brother," Flayn calls, "Y/n and I gathered more food from nearby thieves!" Ever since the start of the war, my daughter and Y/n have trained to become stronger. They have, and they still are, yet I worry non-stop about them nonetheless.

Y/n glances at me and smiles, before running off to the kitchens to cook the food. We had small rations, but we had adjusted to them by now. 

We struggled to keep track of the time, for the calendars weren't very accurate anymore. We could only tell what day it was when Byleth returned, the entirety of her old class in tow. Claude, all the Golden Deer, even the people she managed to recruit. 

Y/n had immediately run up to Byleth and Claude, hugging the both of them. She had been great friends with the two, and it greatly pained her heart hearing both of them hadn't been seen since the start of the war five years ago.

We explained the situation and the rations, everything. Since then we've been fighting to improve all that. We've created an army, created a new flag to fight under, created a new purpose. Everything we've done since then has greatly improved the monastery. We've gone from surviving to living in mere months. 

And here I was, recruited to go fight in the war with them. I asked Y/n to stay with Flayn in the monastery. She felt helpless, yet nodded and succumbed to her duties. 

Y/n's P.O.V.

I sat in the dining hall next to Flayn as we finished our meal. Standing up and returning our plates, we walked through the gardens, kept intact by some of the mercs who had enough time on their hands.

"Y/n," Flayn's soft voice squeaks beside me, "I never told you this, but since the war, I've thought of you as a mother. Looking after me, preparing meals, and... forgive me for saying this, but your close relations with my father." My face flushed. She couldn't possibly think we mean that much to each other. Sure, we loved each other, but only as friends... right?

Nonetheless, I had to reply with a sweet answer. "I love you like my own daughter, Flayn. You're my bit of light in these dark times, as well as your father." I knelt down next to her and embraced her in a hug, to which she returned. Flayn is such a sweetheart, you can always trust her to warm your heart right up.

We received news from the gatekeeper that Byleth and her armies would be returning soon, which included Seteth, so we waited inside the entrance hall.

Upon seeing an arrangement of fighters and wyverns, we both smiled. Mine faded when I saw Claude, a wyvern with no rider on top of it. Instead, in Claude's arms was where they lay. I looked closely at the figure, running after realizing who it was. 

Claude lowered his wyvern, carrying Seteth, his face pale and blood pooling underneath him. I ran back, heading for the infirmary to alert Manuela, Claude and Flayn following behind in tow. 

Several bandages and ointments later, Seteth had finally reawoken, placing the palm of his hand against his head and groaning, clearly feeling dizzy after sitting up. The others had left, only the three of us still there. 

It was quiet, painfully quiet. My hands were clasped together as I stared at the floor I was standing on, Flayn sitting on the bed next to her father's. The professor called Flayn from outside the room. She waved us goodbye, now only the two of us. 

"Flayn told me the sweetest thing today," I said, breaking the silence.

"Really? I'd love to hear it," Seteth exclaims.

"Well, um... she told me that she had thought of me as her mother, ever since the war started. I know how dearly she loved her mother, so that really..." My voice trailed off. "What was her mother like?" I asked.

"She was a kind woman, who always looked after those dear to her. Never had she forgotten about one's health or mental care. Kind of like you," He added. "Flayn told me something along those lines, too, about you being like her mother. She also told me... she told me that-"

"That we have close relations?" I finish, chuckling lightly afterward. 

"Indeed," he laughs along. "Yet she's not completely wrong." I look up as our laughter stops. "I have found I've developed feelings for you, whether you feel the same or not."

"I- I might, I've only considered it today, yet I cannot deny I've begun to feel the same," I reply, smiling.

He grabbed my hand and smiled back, right before passing out again. 

"I'll be waiting here until you recover, darling."

> > > > >

I bought the DLC and oh my god, the gave Gatekeeper an alternate. He's out here all like: "Hey you there, listen to this! I've got something to report!" Bruh I cried- why is Yuri so beautiful? And WHy does Balthus look like Jotaro Kujo? And whY dOes Hapi make me so happy, like, she's an absolute mood. 

Now, with this chapter done, I only have two or three left to write, so dear friends, our time together is almost finished. But not yet, so be hapi.


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