Ashe x Reader

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 Byleth had put us on the battlefield once again, and everyone was pumped, but there was just one person that wasn't feeling it. And that was Ashe. "Lonato... why?" I couldn't help but feel bad for him, having to either kill or watch his adoptive father die.

I told myself I would stay with him, and comfort him whenever needed. Ashe could easily take down any enemy, but the closer our class got to Lonato, the less effort he put in to his attacks. "Ashe, focus," I tell him, even though it wouldn't do much.

"L/n, go," I hear Lonato say, but he isn't looking at me. What? I guess I'll have to go further in to find out...

The closer in I got, the stronger the enemies were, and the more Ashe struggled. I tried to keep fighting, but seeing Ashe down like this just... hurt. "Look out Y/n," I hear him yell, and I turn around to find a mage facing me. They prepare their attack, but I dodge once they actually release it.

I attacked with my (weapon), and now that I get close to my opponent, I could actually tell who it was. No... "Hey Y/n," My brother (or any family member) taunts. "(name)! Why are you...?" "Don't you see? Your life means nothing to me now that you've left for the monastery! You left me, and the rest of our family in worry of your death, but I soon realized that if I was the cause, your death wouldn't matter!" I stood there, frozen in sock and fear. "You've gone insane! What happened to the (name) I used to know?!" I yell at him/her.

Before he/she could reply, an arrow flew into their stomach, killing them off. My eyes well up with tears, which fell the same time as I fall to my knees next to (name)'s limp body. "Y/n, are you okay?" Ashe asks, his bow still in position to attack. "Y/n?" "That... that was... my brother... (or family member of any sort) and now he's/she's... d- d-...." I struggle to get words out of my mouth, knowing fully what I'm trying to say.

Ashe's arms wrap around me in apology, knowing well what he had done. "I'm sorry Y/n. If I had known that was your brother, I definately wouldn't have done that. "Ashe... who's going to finish off Lonato?" I ask suddenly. I don't know why I asked it, I wasn't expecting a certain answer, I wasn't sure at all why I asked it. "I think both of us should work to finish him," Ashe replies. I can hear the sadness coating his voice, and the expression he's giving tells me for sure.

I looked around. Everyone else was far behind us, and every other enemy was either dead or occupied with a different classmate. I nod to his suggestion, and we slowly approach Lonato, our steps shaky. I was unsure whether I should do this or not, but then a thought came to my head, rage taking over momentarily. "Lonato..." I growl. "YOU'RE THE REASON MY BROTHER (or any- well, you get the point) IS DEAD!!!!" I yell at the top of lungs, my throat going dry from that one sentence.

I charge at Lonato will all my strength, forgetting about the rest of the world for just a second. Only remembering my brother/family member limp in front of me, falling to the ground, their face going pale, all of it. Those memories take over my body as I attacked him with my (weapon). I watched him stumble backwards, giving an opening that Ashe took, finishing him off with one last shot.

I stood there, watching Lonato's eyes go cold, his skin go pale, the breath leaving his systems. I look back, watching the professor and my other classmates cheer, for we had finished them off. Also behind me was still the body of my brother, and I stared at it as some Knights of Seiros carried it away. "Wait!" I yell. "Can you bury him at the monastery? He's my brother, and I'd like to visit his grave often," I explain, and they nod. The rest of the Blue Lions walk to us, trying to catch up.

I walked back to Ashe, whose face was now tear-stained, just like mine. About halfway through my small walk to him, I ran, throwing my arms around him, and he returned my sentimental hug. I cry into his shoulder, not caring if people saw, didn't care for humanity at all anymore. Humanity killed my brother and Ashe's adoptive father. I want to escape this reality, find another one, or just leave in general-

"Y/n?" Ashe asks, snapping me out of my thoughts. Only now did I realize his hand was buried in my hair, the other arm wrapping around both my shoulders affectionately. "Now isn't a great time to tell you this, but I love you." I rest my chin on his shoulder once more, fighting back tears as I held him tighter. "Ashe, now's a great time to tell me that. We both lost someone tonight, and we need each other to get over them," I say. "I love you too, Ashe."


A/N This wasn't a request, I just wanted to write another Ashe x Reader while my requests are closed, since Ashe is just adorabe AND LET ME S-RANK WITH HIM ALREADY DAMMIT!!!!!

And would you look at that, another depressing chapter, yay (that's actually exciting to me for some reason) Be sure to vote and follow me for more!


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