Lindhart x Reader

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This was requested by Minion 7001, thanks for the request! Uhhhhh this chapter got a bit- (a lot) depressing at one point, which was the flashback, so don't read that if you don't want to read of what was it? Child abuse, murder, death, blood, those. Thank you.


Lindhart yawned from beside me for at least the, hold on... let me check... 20th time today. I held back my own yawn, being sure not to attract any unwanted attention from the professor. I slumped over my test sheets, filling out every last question, as I was known for. Whether I was right or wrong, the question was always answered.

I felt a small thud on the table as I looked to my right to see Lindhart's head peacefully asleep. I nudge his shoulder, trying to wake him up before the professor even noticed he was asleep. "Lindhart, wake up, we're still in class," I whisper to him. Thank the goddess we're in the back of the class, my thoughts rang out in my head.

The professor started walking down through the class, and I kicked Lindhart's ankles from underneath the table, finally waking him up. Lindhart jumped in his seat, earning a small, short glare from the professor, but they went back to their desk in a few seconds.

The bell rang, signalling the end of this class, as each student slowly walked to the professor, handing in their tests. From behind me, I could hear the professor scolding Lindhart before they yelled at me. "Y/n, you too. Get over here!" I stopped in my tracks and my heart skipped a beat. What did I do wrong?

"You two have constantly been unfocused during class. We all know Lindhart falls asleep, but you Y/n. I've never said a word about your drawings and this is how you repay me! Simply by helping another student rather than making sure they are punished! I thought better of you Y/n!" I hung my head, as did Lindhart. "You both will have detention later today during lunch. For the time being, think of what you could have done better. Now off to your classes."

Lindhart and I stayed quiet as we walked along the halls, to our next class. "Um, Y/n? The professor said something about drawings. What were they talking about?" I sighed and pulled out a piece of paper from in between two pages in my book. "Y/n, that's blank."

I sighed again and turned it around. There was a large combination of drawings. One was of my mother, lying dead in a fire. Another was brother, a knife stabbed in his back, my father with an evil smile. Then there was me, a smaller version. About three years younger, in fact. In the corner of the page was a cartoon-style heart, with a dagger stabbing through the middle, exposing blood. "Y/n... what is all this?" I stayed silent, tears welling up in my eyes. "Y/n?" He asked again, and lost myself in my past memories, the memories I wished I never had.


(Here's the blood warning)

"M- m- m- Mother...?" Our village had burned to the ground, only leaving rubble and burnt wood. I stared at the corpse on the floor of what used to be my home. "Mother..." I cried weakly. "Come on Y/n, let's go," My brother says, pulling on my arm, dragging me away from my home.

>>1 Year Later>>

Our father had become insane, abusive, drunk for that matter, ever since we lost mom. He missed his wife with all his heart, but he could care less for us. Somewhere in his drunken state, he had decided that if he killed us, mother would come back to this world, so he set his goal on ending our lives. Me and my brother were scared as hell, but we had nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. One horrible day, my brother's life was snuffed out by my father. I had been at the market and I came back to find my brother dead, cold, and bleeding on the floor. I ran from my father, hoping to find anyone, or anything to take me away from him. I changed my appearance so he wouldn't recognize me, but I could feel it in the air. His anger, his need to kill. My heart was bursting because I had been running for a long time, but also from knowing that my only real family left was a murderer, and he wouldn't stop killing and searching for me until he himself had left this world.

>>Back to real time>>

(Blood warning ends here)

Lindhart stood in shock of my story, for once not looking drowsy in the slightest. "Y/n... what if we explain this to the professor? I think they'll understand-" "No, I don't want them knowing. And I also don't want you telling anyone else, okay?" I said with a shaky voice, tears beginning to roll down my face.

"Y/n, don't cry, it's over. Nobody will hurt you and I'll make sure of that myself. I will protect you from now on." I sniffed, wiping my tears with the back of my hand. "No, you don't have to do that. I'm stronger than I was back then," I explain. "But Y/n, maybe I'm doing it for myself too. If you got badly hurt, I wouldn't know what to do with myself. And you wanna know why? Because I like you, Y/n. You know what I mean." Shock hits my face like a brick. Did he actually just say that?

Before I could respond, Lindhart's arms wrap around me, and his chin is resting on my hair. "I like you too," I respond, stuck in his warm embrace. "I don't like you anymore Y/n." "Oh," I say dryly and I struggle to get out of his grasp, but it only gets tighter, bringing us closer. "I love you." He says, and our lips touch, soft and short, but loving and kind. The kiss seems to last forever, but truly it was only a few seconds.

I hug Lindhart back, and I can feel him starting to fall asleep. I giggle. "Don't fall asleep on me!" "Sorry, sorry, it's your hair is really soft." I blush. "You're gonna have to stay awake if you want to protect me." "Fine, fine. You got me there." I laugh and he laughs along. "I love you," I mumble, nuzzling my face into his chest. "Me too," He replies, and kisses the top of my head.


Sorry this got so depressing, that's just what I like to write (for literally no reason)

Random image time!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thanks again for requesting! Be sure to vote and follow me for more! Requests are closed at the moment so I can catch up with what I have to do

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I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thanks again for requesting! Be sure to vote and follow me for more! Requests are closed at the moment so I can catch up with what I have to do. 


Fe: Three Houses x Reader One ShotsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu