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On this page you can leave a request, as long as the requests are open. 


-They will be open on WEEKENDS ONLY! I will NOT be accepting anything monday through friday, only on saturday and sunday. This will last for quite a while until I get a long break from school, but until then, this rule lasts.

-No lemons

-Y'all can do gay/lesbian requests now y a y

-You can put traits on any character, including the reader. Examples: Jealous, snarky, depressed, etc.

-Fluff and/or angst is fine

-Also no lime

-You can request anyone as long as they're in this game

-That's about it

-Wait, one more thing: Don't go spamming my comments with twenty requests at a time please thank you.

Oh, and here's the image I used for the cover, but with nothing on it.

Oh, and here's the image I used for the cover, but with nothing on it

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Fe: Three Houses x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now