Seteth x Reader

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A/N This was requested by DailyDissapointment. I can't find any Seteth fanart on google T^T. I mean I did find this:

 I mean I did find this:

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Anyway.... ENJOY THE STORY!!!!


For me, it was a normal day. At the time at least. I was happily skipping through the halls, as if I didn't have a care in the world. Carefree. If only that word could describe me. My smile wasn't fake, but it wasn't exactly genuine either. As Hanneman's daughter, I had a large interest in magic and crests, and pretty much anything my father was interested in.

"Father!" I call. "I'm going to the market!" He gives me a small thumbs-up as a response and watches me leave the room. I continue to skip around wherever I go, whoever I pass, I smile and wave, as if I were royalty.

"Good evening Y/n," A student from the Black Eagles greets. "Good evening to you too!" I respond in my usual cheerful voice. I look to the sky, noticing that it's color had gone from bright blue to dark black, with a hint of purple. Small white circles dotted the sky, like light poking through the holes of a cloth.

Before I had even noticed, a shadow appeared in front of me, but the figure casting it was behind me. A hand covered my mouth, muffling my screams as I was dragged into the night, as the world around me slowly turns black.

Seteth's P.O.V

I watched Lady Rhea talk to our newest professor, Bylet. Is now a good time to interrupt? This is important, I don't think Lady Rhea will mind.

I barge into the conversation, quickly apologizing before stating my reason. "I'm sorry to interrupt, Lady Rhea," I start, bowing as well. "But Flayn has gone missing. I have searched everywhere for her, but she simply cannot be found!" Byleth's usually blank expression turned shocked, as Lady Rhea's comforting smile quickly faded.

"Flayn is missing too? Oh, dear. What shall we do?" Too? "Who else is missing, if I may ask." Hanneman walks into the room in a rushed pace. "Has there been any news about my daughter?" I couldn't believe my ears. Y/n's gone missing as well? Oh no... this isn't good at all. The two people I care about most!

"Hanneman, have you heard any news on Flayn? Unfortunately, nobody has heard anything from or about Y/n since...?" I wait for Hanneman to answer my question. "That truly is quite unfortunate. And she went missing after she went to the market last night.

I sigh and speak to Lady Rhea. "Could we make that Byleth's mission this month? To find the missing girls?" Rhea nods, and then tells Byleth about what to do, where to start searching, such things.

Before I knew it, the end of the month had come. Unfortunately, I could not accompany Byleth on their mission. I tried to convince them to let me join them, but they simply would not let me, since they thought my duties at the monastery were more important. So all I can do is sit and wait, and pray that they get out alive, and with my sister and Y/n.


It's been quite a while, and I myself am very worried. The night had arrived, and I couldn't help but worry about where they were and if they were okay. Soon enough though, (House leader of choice) had come back with their knights, carrying two limp bodies. I quickly shot up out of my seat, realizing who they were.

"Seteth, can you bring these ladies to the infirmary?" They ask, and I quickly agree. Making sure they safely get back, I wait after the knights leave with (House leader).

Y/n's P.O.V

I woke up, slowly trying to sit up. Three figures surrounded me, and I recognized every one of them. The one on my right was Flayn, the one in front of me was my father, and on my left was Seteth. "Are you sure she's alright? She looks awfully pale," I hear Flayn say with worry coating over her voice.

I look at my hands, and find that they do in fact, look very pale. "Oh, Y/n, I wouldn't recommend you move a lot, take about an hour to rest before getting out," I hear my father suggested, and I nod my head. He leaves my hospital bed, leaving me with Flayn and Seteth. Flayn talks to Seteth about joining Byleth's house, and I consider that as well. Flayn leaves to ask permission from Lady Rhea, now leaving only Seteth and I.

I stare down at my white bed sheet, trying to remember anything from those nights away from the monastery. "Y/n, do you want to talk about anything?" My head turns to Seteth as I reply with a mumble. "Not really." "Well, I'm here if you want to talk." I think for a moment and then retract my previous statement.

"Actually... I do want to talk," I say, and Seteth looks like he's listening intently. "So... you know how happy I am, right?" He nods. "Well, I don't know if that's something I can do anymore. I just went through the most frightening experience of my life so far, and I don't think Ican put a smile on my face like that anymore."

Seteth looks at me in sadness and pity. His sister went through the same thing, but she's handling it a lot better than I. "That's horrible. I loved seeing you smile Y/n." His words were the one thing I needed to hear. Not to smile, I still don't know about that. No, I felt hope now.

Tears well up in my eyes, but not out of sadness, no, out of happiness. I hug Seteth, silently thanking him as I buried my tear-streaked face in his shoulder. "Such a shame you're stuck in here Y/n. Let's get you out of this, it's a beautiful day outside, and we need to appreciate that."


A/N I swear to god if people start spamming Undertale sh*t in my comments I'm gonna scream. I hope that was good, because I had absolutely no idea what I was doing the entire time I was writing that. You can kind of tell by the beautiful day thing...

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