Ashe x Reader

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>>This was requested by Piezforlife, thank you for the request! I hope you enjoy!


 I sat on the grass in one of the small courtyards, next to a bunch of birds. I had brought bread from the dining hall, so it was only normal that they would swarm around me, but even once the bread was gone, they stayed at my side. I had nothing to do, so I thought, Why not talk with them? Sure, it's kind of weird, and as far as I'm concerned, they can't understand me, but I'll do it anyway.

I talked to them about my teachers, my friends, my skills, just about anything that I could get out of my mouth, but before I knew it, they all fluttered away, leaving me behind. "If only I could fly," I mumbled to myself.

"Y/n? Who are you talking to?" I jump at the sound of another voice. "Ashe! Don't scare me like that!" He laughs nervously and sits next to me. "Sorry, sorry, but who were you talking to?" "The Birds," I say it as if it were an everyday saying, like it was completely normal. He looks at me in confusion. "Don't judge, okay? I had nothing better to do. Plus, I can trust birds not to tell anyone about what I said." He nods, like he understands, though I know that he really doesn't.

"I heard you say you wanted to fly, is that correct?" I nod. "Well, I can help you with that," He suggests. "How?" "Follow me," He says, getting up off the ground, and head towards to stables. "Ashe, what are you doing?" "We're gonna fly!" Oh no. This is going to be my first time on anything that isn't my feet. Dear Goddess, please help me. (A/N: Ashe is going to have the skills of a flyer or whatever in this because... I don't know, he just will.)

Ashe pulls a pegasus outside the stable and my heart skips a beat. I don't want to do this, but I'm doing nothing against it! "You ready?" He asks me. "Mhm," I hum in agreement. Shoot, no! No I'm not!

I struggle to get on the pegasus, due to either my small size, or its enormous size. Or both. I blush and my heart races as Ashe picks me up to help me get on. He then gets on as well, after I regained my balance, and making sure the pegasus was calm.

We lift off the ground, and my mind is in a rush of 'no's and 'yes's and 'can I get to the ground now?'s. We hover in the air, a small breeze brushing through my hair, and it was quite relaxing. Unfortunately, that ended once Ashe had us going fast through the sky above the monastery.

I look down to the ground, immediately regretting my decision, and I forcefully shut my eyes, too afraid to look. I wrap my arms around Ashe's waist, and I can feel him flinch at my touch. "Y/n, are you okay?" The small breeze turns into a large gust of wind, and I bury my face into Ashe's shoulder. "No I'm not!" I try to yell over the wind. "I'm not okay! I want to go back to the ground!" I yell again, this time more successful.

Ashe lowers the pegasus, bringing us slowly closer to the ground. I quickly get off, stumbling backwards, my back bumping into Ashe's chest. "Ashe, is the world spinning right now?" I ask. "You better be joking around, Y/n." But I wasn't. I was getting dizzy, and I was turning and stumbling in place, and Ashe wrapped his arms around me, attempting to keep me steady.

"I'm sorry Y/n, I should have guessed something was wrong." I breathe out shakily. "Ashe, it's fine, just make sure nobody sees me because I look like I'm drunk." He laughs at my description, and he places his hands on my shoulders as we walk to my dorm. "Are you okay?" Ashe aks. "Yeah," I say, turning around and hugging him. "Thanks for letting me fly, even if it didn't turn out how we wanted." He returns my hug, making me blush a bit.

"Y/n, do you want to know why I did it?" "Yes," I say, muffled by his shirt. "I did it to make your dream come true, because I love you." My heart races at his very words. I look up to see his face, which had turned bright red in a matter of seconds. "I love you too!" I giggle as he messes around with my hair. I take the moment to plant a small kiss on his lips. When I try to go back to my original position, his free arm wraps around my waist, keeping in place as he returns the kiss. I start to feel dizzy again, but I keep it inside.

When we separate, both of our faces are a blushing mess, but we both have smiles spreading across our faces. "I love you so much Y/n," Ashe says, my blush getting deeper. "I love you too."


>>Ashe is just adorable and I love him so much. To be fair, who doesn't? I swear if anyone says that they hate him in the comments their life is over. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Be sure to vote ad follow me for more!


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