Gatekeeper x Reader

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>>This was requested by rainaynaynabanaynay, thanks for the request! Let's be honest, I wasn't expecting Gatekeeper fanart. Either way, I hope you enjoy the story!


 I set down my papers and watch as my students leave the classroom. I sighed in relief, happy I could finally relax after what felt like forever. I thought ahead to the next day, and decided to buy some certification seals at the market. Our next battle is next week, so it's best if I buy them now rather than later.

I passed the greenhouse and the fishing pond on my way there, and being the completely reckless person I am, I jumped over the small wall separating the main hall and the market. I managed to scrape my knee, spilling only at minimum a few drops of blood. I walked up to the item shop, my knee bruised and now tortusring me whenever I took even the smallest of steps.

After buying a sufficeant amount of certification seals, I walked back, still traumatized by the pain in my leg.

"Good evening, professor!" The gatekeeper greets in a friendly manner. "What'cha got there?" I stop in my tracks to talk to him. "Just some things for my students," I answer. "And I told you before to call me by my first name." "Sorry, I'm just so used to being formal and such, it's just become a habit." He chuckles at his words, and I give a small laugh as well. "By the way, what is your first name?" I ask. I don't think I've ever heard anyone address him with his given name before, now that I think of it. "Actually, believe it or not, I don't remember! I've been called 'Gatekeeper' so long, I forgot. I guess I'll tell you whenever it reaches my mind again!" I nod and smile, before taking my leave.

How can somebody be so cheery while they're saying that they've forgotten their own name? I pondered this question over and over throuought the night until I managed to fall asleep.

~Timeskip to next morning~

I shoved my bed covers off myself and stepped on the ground for the day. Almost immediately, my knee gave out, and I crumpled to the floor, left/right first. I attempted to stand up, and came succesful. I somehow found the courage to bear through the pain the entire day, and thankfully my outfit hid the large, black and blue mark on my left/right knee.

Seeing as how it was nearing our mission, I decided to buy some concoctions and vulneraries and such. After buying those, I headed to the Gatekeeper. "Good evening once again Y/n!" He says cheerfully. "Good evening to you too," I reply respectfully. "Oh, that's right! I meant to tell you! I remembered my name! It's (idk give him a name I'm too damn lazy to)!" "Well that's great that you remembered, and I think that name suits you (his name)."

My dumb brain decided it would be nice to walk closer to him, and I did exactly that, regretting soon afterwards. I walked a single step, and fell to the ground. "Dear goddess! What was that about Y/n?" "O- oh it's nothing," I lie, trying to stand up. He reaches to me with his hand, which I grab for assistance to stand. "Are you sure? I can see you struggling to stand right now. Where is it?" I point to me knee, and move the armor that protects it, revealing the large bruise that covered the entire front of my kneecap. "THAT ISN'T NOTHING AT ALL!!!" He yells at the sight of my now hideous knee.

"Can you please be a bit more quiet?" I murmur under my breath. "Sure, sure, but do you need help getting anywhere? I'd be happy to help." I think a moment at his suggestion, but then realize the obvious. "But you'll leave the entrance hall unguarded, and we can't have that." My logical excuse catches him, and he stands there, silent. "I'll grab another gaurd, wait right here Y/n," He says, acting like I was a dog.

I would have disagreed with him, but I didn't have much of a choice, since the pain was growing larger, to the point where it was almost unbearable. (whatever name you gave him) returns with another gaurd, as promised, and he leaves with me, using his assistance. "(his name), you don't have to do this, I would have been fine." "I don't think you would Y/n. Honest." I sighed, aware that what he had spoken was very much the truth. "Fine, let's just get to the infirmary."

We were on our way up the stairs to the second floor, when my leg gave out once again. "Y/n! I swear to the goddess, you have to stop scaring me like that!" "Sorry, sorry," I apologize and try to stand, but failed as one would suspect. My face literally held pain in its expression at this point. I was concerned I would be stick on the floor for the rest of my life, but then the Gatekeeper did something very unexpected, and picked me up, now holding me bridal style.

"W- what are you doing?!" A slight blush had taken over my face, but soon disappeared once I noticed. "I'm only trying to help, it won't be long before we get you healed." No no no no no, I CAN NOT fall in love right now! My face grew more and more red the longer I was in his arms. "Are you sure it's only your knee Y/n? You might have a fever with your face looking like that!" Sh*t he noticed! I tried my best to let my face relax, and before I knew it, we were in the infirmary.

"Looks like Manuela isn't here right now. No matter, I'll stay here until she arrives." I struggled to act normal, not only from my sudden crush but the pain from my knee being crushed as well.


I walked out to greet the Gatekeeper, but this time I came from behind him, sneaking up to him and catching him by susprise. "Ha! Gotcha!" I shout triumphantly. "Yeah, yeah, I'm just glad your doing better. Y'know, with your knee and all." "I guess I didn't excpect it to be dislocated or anything," I say casually as if it were nothing. "Oh, and thanks for helping me." I grace him with a hug of thanks, which he returns.

"I love you Y/n," He mutters under his breath, a quiet confession. "Me too," I whisper back.


>> Alright, how was that?

Oh, and sorry I didn't update yesterday. It was the last day of summer, and I spent it with my friends, and I was preparing for (and having anxiety about) school, so I was kind of busy. I'll be updating less now, due to school, and my request page is under editing, since I don't want a bunch of requests to finish, along with homework. I'll tell y'all when I've decided something for that, and I have an idea in mind, but I don't know if I'll follow through with it. Thanks for reading! Requests are closed currently, but be sure to vote and follow me for more!


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