Caspar x Reader

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A/N This was requested by Whathaveibecomerip, thank you for the request! Can I point out how little fanart there is of Caspar? Like, This is the best thing I could find. Behold the salty boi!


 "Y/n, pay attention in class," Byleth scolds me. I groan and roll my eyes in response, thankfully not grabbing her attention twice. Byleth continues to explain things about (idk pick a subject/skill) and I continue doodling in my notebook. (IRL: If you looked at my notebook from this school year, you'd honesty think it was just a sketchbook with a few notes in it.)

"Pay. Attention." Byleth continues to scold me, her brows furrowing. "See me after class." Is it a bad thing to have artistic talent? Geez!

I met up with Byleth after class. "What d'you want?" I ask stubbornly. "Lunchtime detention for you." "What?!" But Byleth sets up for the next class, wiping off the chalkboard, and messing around with the mass of papers on her desk.

I sat down at my seat, and I look to my right, finding another figure next to me. I pulled out a sheet of paper and wrote. 'What are you in detention for Caspar?' He looked at the writing on the paper and took out his own and wrote. 'Talking back to a teacher. You?' 'Drawing during class and not paying attention, not listening to the teacher.' He quietly snickers and I give him a questioning look. 'What?' I write. 'You did worse than me, and I thought you were a good girl, teacher's pet.' I glare at him and start writing down more. 'How dare you.' He snickers again, trying desperately to hold back laughter, as I try not to yell at him.

We spent the rest of the time writing notes to each other, occasionaly turning over the page and writing down notes on our skills when Byleth checked on us, and then we'd continue writing. After detention, we felt completely relieved, a burden lifted off our shoulders.

"You should come see me in detention more often Y/n," Caspar suggests, and I laugh, thinking it was a joke. "Y/n, I'm being serious. I get detention a lot, and it was really fun with you today." "Or we could just hang out more often," I say, Caspar blushing a bit from embarassment. "How about later tonight?" "We'll get detention for being out late," I say. "That's the point," Caspar says, smirking, and somehow making me sumbit to his offer.


I walked silently through the halls, practically praying that nobody was awake to come and find me. "Y/n," A voice from behind me says, making my heart jump out of my chest. "Don't scare me like that, Caspar!" I whisper-yell. "Sorry," He laughs, rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's really dark, and I can't even see my hands Caspar, I think this is a problem." "No, it's fine, I can see my hand- no I can't, okay we're lost." I sigh angrily and cross my arms. "It was your idea," I remind him. "Fair enough."

Later on, I almost fell into the water of the fishing pond, but Caspar saved me by grabbing my wrist, pulling me backwards and utrning me around, so I bumped face-first into his chest. I blush immediately, almost wishing I had fallen in the water.

I try to make a quick escape, but Caspar's arm keeps me in place. "Caspar, please let go," I say, muffled by his chest. "No." He replies bluntly. "What?" "No," he repeats. "I'm not letting go."

"Um, why not?" I ask simply, expecting a simple answer, despite that being what I didn't get. "Because I really like you. I wasn't sure of it at first, but since detention, I've been more sure than anything else in my life." My blush darkens, and I remove my face from his chest in an attempt to look at him, but it was still too dark.

He somehow finds the sides of my face and cups it with his hands. If I could see, I would have seen him leaning towards my face, because moments later, our lips touched. It was short but sweet, and comforting, making me forget we were out at night and we could possibly get a really bad consequence.

"I- I might like you too..." I reply, unsure but at the same time very certain. "Good, because I wouldn't know what to do with myself if you didn't."


A/N I hope you enjoyed! I can't write a lot right now because my computer's about to die, and I actually had to grab my charger because it did die because this was written five minutes after the first part of the sentence.

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