Modern!Dimitri x Reader

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'Kay so this one is a bit... weird. Y'all know how there's the Modern highschool AU? Well yeah, I'm trying that a bit. This story is based on events in real life, but not exact because I'm still lonely as fu- Anyway, it takes place in a school play during rehearsal sessions, and yeah, the rest is just explained during the story. This is just something I needed, okay?

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Dimitri's P.O.V.

Play rehearsal. The one thing--thankfully--taking up all my time. I went to auditions the first day and was sure I wouldn't even be in the play, but now here I am, with the lead role. Our director, Manuela, chose Romeo and Juliet for our play, a classic. 

Every day I would go backstage and rehearse my lines, walk out onto the stage, and speak them almost perfectly. I walked off stage at the end of the day, my shoes tapping against the wooden floor. 

This routine would repeat the exact same each and every time until... well, until she was backstage.

Yes, one day, about a month into our rehearsal schedule, a random girl appeared backstage. She sat uncomfortably, holding her knees to her chest on one of the old sets from last year. She glanced at everyone as they walked out on stage with her blank, lonely eyes. I, of course, had absolutely no idea who this girl was, so I went and asked my friend, Claude.

"Hey, uh, d'you know that girl backstage?"

He takes a moment to reply, clearly thinking about something. "I think Manuela had her on stage crew. Why do you ask?"

"No reason," I shrug, "Just wondering, I guess."

She hid in the shadows of the curtains, her face buried in her script as she scribbled down what sets went where at what time. 

While waiting for my cue, I walked up to her. I placed a finger on her script, pulling it away from her face. "Hey," I say, "You look like you could use some company."

"H- huh? Oh... I guess..." She quietly replies. Her voice was so sweet, I thought. "You play Romeo, right?" She continues, and I nod. "That's cool!"

She obviously had the magnificent power to warm up to people soon after she met them. This girl seemed special, I just couldn't figure out why.

"Where's Romeo? Romeo, you're supposed to be on stage!" Manuela calls from the audience. 

"Gotta go," I whisper, and she gives me a small smile, then returning to her script as I walk to my place. 

The next day

Personally, I couldn't wait for play rehearsal today. I wanted to know more about that girl, since I had never seen her before in my life. Professor Byleth had to scold me multiple times for not paying attention during class, though he still excused it. 

Hilda, the actor of Juliet, passes me in the hallway while I'm packing up at the end of the day. "So, how do you think the play is going to go with all the sets on stage? I think that girl is going to mess up everything, don't you?"

"I have faith," I tell her, my eyes fixed on a locker across the hall. "Go ahead to the auditorium without me, I'll meet you there." She rolls her eyes but skips along on her merry way, refilling her water bottle at the water fountain halfway.

"Hey," I say, lifting my hand in a manner of greetings as I make my way to the locker I was looking at. The girl looked over her shoulder from her backpack to look at me. 

Fe: Three Houses x Reader One ShotsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu