Dimitri x Reader (Timeskip/Angst/Fluff)

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[Spoilers Ahead!]

Dimitri's P.O.V.

If I were to make it through this cruel, blood-stained world, I'd need someone else to do it. That's why I have to find her. Tears brimmed my eyes and dripped down my muddy face as my hand clenched tightly against itself in regret. 

It would take quite a trek but it would worth it. I knew where she was. She'd keep her promise from five years ago no matter what, she's like that. I grunted every few steps, all the pain from the injuries finally sinking in. My human flesh betrayed me as I winced from the various scars on my ankle. 

I shoved the pain into the abyss. I'll be there soon. If I faint, so what? By the time these weak limbs carry me there, I won't even have time to sleep. Y/n's face stains my memory, a good thing, but the last time I saw her she was crying. I wasn't what monster I am now back then. She loved me. I loved her. We promised to never leave each other's side, but... that was the only promise she ever broke.

Flashback I'm sorry

"All students please evacuate, Professor Byleth will lead you to safety!" Rhea's voice swept through the wind, catching the fear on everyone's face.

I already knew I'd be forced to fight, and fighting alone for that matter. Countless times had Y/n and I begged the Professor to let her fight but to no avail. 

Through all the fighting I could see Y/n running through the mass of students and professors just to reach me. 

It was like a dramatic play or opera scene, where the couple are fighting and yelling to get to each other, to get one last look at their beloved for Goddess knows how long. Tears streaming down both their faces as they embrace each other, that kind of moment. 

We savored those moments we spent in each other's arms. But alas, those moments lasted what felt like nothing. There and gone, that's what she was. Hanneman dragged her away before either of us could say 'I love you'. I promised myself I'd fight for her, I'd win for her. I let her down. 

Those moments before my barely evaded execution were silent and longing. My thoughts were flooded with her. What would she think if she saw me right now?

Would she leave me?

Would she save me?

Would she cherish these last moments with me?

Would she kill herself just to be with me?

Would she cry over my death until the day she joins me?

Would she even care?

My breath became shaky, hoping she was okay while I was sitting here, weak and helpless. After escaping I made it my only goal to find her again. The days since then have been lonely but I hoped it would brighten. No, I knew it would brighten. 

Flashback Finish

I've changed since then and I'm betting she has too, but I pray her feelings are the same. There's no way she changed from that sweet, bubbly, adorable girl into something like me. I used to be like her. I was never meant to be like this.

The Monastery reaches my view as nostalgia washes over me. All those petty practice battles wouldn't compare to where we are right now. 


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