(8) Flee Omega Flee

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Chapter 8.

                Time was running out now, and putting all the pieces together seemed harder than I thought. This wasn’t exactly going how I had expected, and the search for my sister is slowly being forgotten. Sage has returned home, saying there wasn’t any luck of the description I gave her. Her own friends reported back to her saying there wasn’t enough to prove anything. One person said he found something in Japan, and another said it was in Iceland. With such a large distance of places between Iceland and Japan, it just seems irrational.

                I’ve thought of telling London everything, even the part of deciding who gets to live on. Of course I want to watch my son get older, nothing would make me happier than to have a pup. On the other hand, my sister deserves to start her own family, meet her mate, and live happily ever after, after so many years of loneliness.

                Another part of me want to tell the pack, but the chaos of trusting a witch would send everyone spiraling out of control. I don’t trust Lil one bit, she had obviously done more than she’s letting on to get in the same prison my sister is in. Whether she killed someone, or had just been another part of a deal. With Ayana, everything seemed to come with a price.

                Life has gone from bad to worse in a matter of days. Many pack members are rumoring that I’m not fit to be Alpha, and that there is something wrong in the pack. I don’t want them to think that, but gossip is just gossip for them. One rumor had said I was cheating on London with another woman, and another said London was pregnant which was causing stress. Neither of these were true, and I knew these whispers had to be stopped before they rebelled against my family.

                “There’s nothing you can do Clayton, your sister is just too hidden.” Aunt Sage pressed, sipping her green tea loudly. Once she swallowed she spoke again. “If that witch was really trying to help she would’ve given you a specific place and direction.”

                We were in my office, surrounding by different lay out of the words Lil had given us, and the clues she had said in her words. Trying to decide word was pressed as importance, and which letter was more pronounced than the other was getting complicated. She had said so much to me, and none made the correct placement. Each sentence was placed diagonal, horizontal, and vertical, and letters littered the ground. Words formed out of the sentence was even more difficult, and the room was flooding with paper.

                I glanced up at my aunt after skimming another reworded sentence, one that obviously made no sense. “Penelope deserves to live her life in harmony, she’s suffering in a room the size of a cardboard box.”

                She scoffed, shaking her head at me and causing her blond curls to bounce smoothly. “If the people on the list knew about Penelope’s whereabouts then why haven’t they spoken up? I remember Warner quite clearly, and he was just a lying rogue that no one trusted.”

                “The next couple people are all relatives, you, your sister, and my grandparents. They obviously don’t know anything. Then it’s just lists of people I’m unfamiliar with.” I searched for the wedding list, which was buried under shreds of paper and clippings.

                “Give me that.” Sage sighed, snatching it out of my hands. “What person are you on at the moment?”

                “Emilia and Patrick Pierce, my grandparents.” I told her, and she looked below those words. At that moment her mouth fell open. “What is it?

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