(26) Flee Omega Flee

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Chapter 26.

                I walked back up the stairs feeling relieved and free. Never in my life have a felt so invincible, so able to do things. All my life I’ve been terrified and longing for something like this, finally to feel weightless. My body feels like I’ve just walked around the entire world on a cloud, filled with nothing but comfort.

                When the three of us enter the living room, we all stop suddenly at the way everyone was huddled. Trixie and Jeremey were speaking in hushed voices toward Fia, and when they noticed us they all stopped. Like a ripple effect caused by Fia first, they all stood up to face us. Fia wiped her hands on her sundress, and it was evident she was very nervous.

                “Penelope,” she breathed. “I-how are you feeling?”

                “I’m fine, thank you.” I told her kindly, not missing the way she stuttered. “What’s going on?”

                They all exchanged glances, their eyes showing worry. I blinked as they all uncomfortably shifted in their seats. I turned to see Oliver and Lucian looked at each other with confusion and concern. Kory was off to the side, biting into an apple and looking bored. He was seated on a raised chair, his feet resting on the bar.

                “She has the right to know.” Trixie hissed, while her husband only shushed her.

                “Know what?” I asked, taking a step towards them. Oliver and Lucian were both silent, oblivious to what their family and friends were talking about.

                “She can’t know.” Fia bit out, her hands clenching tightly. “Not yet.”

                “You’ve been saying that for days.” Jeremy ground out, his teeth rubbing dangerously together.

                “If I deserve to know, then tell me.” I barked, wanting to understand the situation taking place.

                They all looked at each other, as if they were waiting for me to snap at them. Unexpectedly, Fia gestured with her hand for me to sit, and I obligated. Taking the small couch, I folded my hands together on my lap. Lucian thankfully sitting down beside me and resting his hand on my own.

                “How much do you know about your family?” Fia asked, as if she was trying to recall what the group of people had told me.

                “I have two brothers that have been looking for me, are still looking for me.” I corrected, trying to think of everything else she had told me, but came up blank. “That’s mostly the important one.”

                “Oh for the Moon Goddess’ sake!” Jeremy growled pounding his fist on the coffee table. The simple yet sudden movement caused me to jump. “She has the right to know she’s turning eighteen in nine days!”

                I gasped, my hands covering my mouth as I registered what he said. All my life I had wondered my age, and I knew I must’ve been around Oliver, Lucian, and Kory’s age. Lilura was many years older than me, so occasionally it was difficult to relate to her. Now, I knew just how different we really were.

                How would they know I was turning eighteen? They acted as if they knew nothing about me. Why would they even consider telling me now? I didn’t deserve to be lied to, not with something like this. I deserve the answers they have to my questions, and I will be damned if I don’t ask them.

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