(6) Flee Omega Flee

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Chapter 6.


                “Thought you could keep that a secret huh brother.” He chuckled, spinning some sort of necklace that was hanging off his finger.

                “I’m looking for her, something you would never understand.” I growled, pacing slowly in my office, not taking my eyes off of him.

                “You know all these years I’ve had to play fake just so I would get you off my back while I looked for Penny.” Rylan snorted, his violet eyes bearing into my golden ones. “And you never noticed anything.”

                “When did this even start?” I asked. How could Rylan keep this from me when I was the oldest and his Alpha soon?

                “Let’s just say,” he paused from twirling the necklace, and tossed it in my direction. I caught it with ease. “It came to me in a dream.”

                I looked down at what I had grabbed and examined the unique looking design on it. It was a wolf, and I can somewhat recall seeing it before, but I must’ve been very young to have remembered it until now. The pendent was a running wolf, with purple gems surrounding it. The chain was a little bit longer than necessary, but it was all too familiar for me.

                “What is this?”

                “Our sister’s necklace, I found it in our parent’s room.” He said proudly, kicking his feet up on my desk. “It called to me so I took it.”

                “I don’t understand, if this was Penny’s necklace then what does this mean?”

                “The necklace is cursed you idiot.” Rylan rolled his eyes and stood up, taking the chain and chucking it across the room. I gasped, and ran for it. When I picked it up, I was thankful it wasn’t dented.

                “Have you lost your mind?” I shouted, holding it with care as if it was a newborn.

                “Have you?”

                I ground my teeth together to hold back the snarl that wanted to leak past my lips. How dare he? Rylan needs to learn respect and the sooner he does the better. He of all people should know my temper only goes so far before it explodes, and he wants me to cause damage. But why would he want that?

                “I don’t know where exactly she is, but I’m getting closer.” I wanted to prove to him that I was getting closer to the answer, thanks to Lil.

                “You know there are six keys to the entire puzzle of our sister.” He gripped the color of my shirt after standing up and got in my face. “And guess who knows the other three.”

                “How do you know?”

                “You think Lil is the only witch to have visited everyone. There are three other witches who went to three different people our mother knew. We need to find them.”

                “You are making no sense to me brother.” I ground out, shoving him away. Rylan stuttered back, but was able to catch himself from falling over.

                “Lil came into my dream a few nights ago, and told me she went to three other people our mother knew. They know another piece of the puzzle, she just didn’t tell me who they were, but they had to be close to our family to be trusted with the clue.” Rylan pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket and held it out for me to take.

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