(24) Flee Omega Flee

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Chapter 24.

                I couldn’t quite understand what was happening to me, Oliver had never explained to me what was going on. I had only heard him say a brief sentence before darkness overwhelmed me. It almost felt like I was dying, but I knew I wasn’t. Life couldn’t be that cruel, there was no possible way. Still, what at first was pain, disappeared the moment blackness overawed my body.

                When I opened my eyes, the sun was shining up at me from the clear blue sky. There were no clouds blocking the soft heat, and no wind whispering in my ears. Everything was silent, and it scared me a lot more than it should have. I felt like I was back in my prison, but the surroundings were completely opposite.

                My form was standing in the middle of a meadow, flowers and tall grass combined were scattered around me. I was wearing a white dress, one that went down to the floor and reminded me of the Greeks. Gold bands were on my arms all around, and a necklace was clasped tightly around my neck; that too was gold.

                A lone willow tree was just in my sight, and I walked barefoot towards it. This didn’t feel like a dream, more like reality, yet not at the same time. It was as if I was living in someone else’s shadow, the two of us overcrowded and tightly squeezed. This dream-like world was filled with many wonders, but not an animal was in sight.

                Once I approached the sad looking willow, I ran my delicate fingers along the bark. It felt rough, but was somehow soft as silk.  Everything was itself and its opposite, like nothing was ever left out. It was hard to explain the moment I ran my fingers along the vines of the tree, and a soft and gently tune came from it. The instrument was bells, like the ones on Christmas Oliver had shown me.

                I ran my fingers along the vines again, this time hearing another tune that matched the same pitch as the last. Still, it was beautiful but it seemed as if it was familiar. Oliver had never sung it before, nor had Kory, but I faintly remember someone humming it to me. Lilura perhaps?

                “That is one of my favorite songs.” I melodic voice said from behind me, and I spun around to see a woman glancing down at me.

                She was tall, with beautiful milky skin. Her blonde locks feel down in long soft waves, almost similar to my own and Fia’s. Red lips and white teeth reflected off of the shining sun, and her pale skin only seemed to glow brighter. An aura surrounded her, one I could see for myself, and had a small light blue and white tint.

                Her outfit was similar to mine, yet more complex. There were half circle gems and even thinner ones around her collarbone. Other than the gold I was wearing, everything she had on was replaced with silver. A tiara rested on her head, and it was hard to explain all the different shapes and colors on it.

                The woman came closer to me, and brought her bony arm to the willow tree’s vines before swishing them around herself. She smiled as it made the exact tune before it stopped all together. Her arm dropped and her eyes landed on me.

                They were a terrifying color, but interesting at the same time. The colorful part of her eyes was white, with small flecks of an icy blue in them. It was almost as if she was memorizing my features before brushing past me. I looked down, and almost jumped at the sight.

                A puppy was trailing close to her bare ankles, its white tail swishing around. However, it looked a lot like the animal that had saved me weeks ago, I came to the conclusion of what it was. The baby wolf was toppling over his feet, but still looked as carefree as anything. Why wasn’t the wolf attacking her?

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