(20) Flee Omega Flee

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Chapter 20.

                I awoke from my dreamless sleep, the pillow I was resting on gently vibrated below me. Cradled, my head was enveloped in a warming heating pad, almost soothing me back to sleep. My drowsy eyes opened, the light peeping from the windows almost blinding me. It took me a while to stop my eyelids from dropping down every so often before I finally became aware of my surroundings.

                There in front of me, while I rested on it, was a lightly tanned chest. From what I could tell, he was fairly muscular, which explained how he could carry me when I first came into Kory’s home. I looked up, peering up at Oliver’s snoozing form. One part of his messy hair was slightly covering his face, the other half was sticking up at odd angles.

                It was also there when I became aware of how I woke up. There was a long and obnoxious beeping sound coming from his nightstand. Gently removing Oliver’s arm that awkwardly rested on the top of my head and back of neck, I was able to look at the source of noise. I slipped away from Oliver’s body, his hand slapping the hairless golden chest of his. He didn’t stir, and I immediately figured he was a very heavy sleeper.

                I stretched as far as I could to see the time, which surprisingly told me it was almost noon. Learning today definitely wasn’t an option, and I was thankful for that, I needed a break. Feeling a sudden breeze, I looked over to see the drapes handing from above the window moving as the wind teased them. Shivering, I placed my feet on the lightly colored wood before standing up. Almost immediately, I heard the suck in of a breath and the sheets stir behind me.

                “What are you doing awake?” Oliver groaned, and I looked over to see him leaning over his pillow to see the time. He let out a quick breath before collapsing back on his pillow. “Well you’re lucky, no learning today.”

                A smile grew on my face as Oliver closed his eyes again and turned his head to rest. It was obvious he wasn’t going to sleep, and that was proven right when his eyes snapped open and I was greeted with a pair of grey eyes. He raised from the bed so his back as against the baby blue wall. From what I could tell, this has been his room since he was little, and didn’t bother repainting it.

                “So I called Fia last night.” Oliver smirked, keeping his exhilarating white teeth hidden behind his pink lips. “She told me your name.”

                “Penelope.” I said, recalling what he had whispered to me last night. “My name’s Penelope.”

                I let out a breathy laugh, now realizing everything about myself. I’ve accomplished a lot of the things I wanted to learn since understanding my predicament in the prison. After so long, I’ve learned almost everything about myself. It’s now dawned on me what I look like, what the world really looks like from my eyes, and finally my name. It was everything I always dreamt about, everything I’ve always wanted.

                Tears filled my eyes, now realizing I wasn’t a clueless girl anymore. My age didn’t matter, I had a name. After so many years of not being able to be called by something, I finally have it. My mind will finally get to register by the simple word of who I am. There isn’t anything to define myself other than my name.

                “Hey.” Oliver whispered, scooting over to the side of the bed and taking my arms lightly before pulling me back so I was next to him. “Why are you crying?”

                “I’ve spend my entire life wondering everything about myself.” I whispered, covering my face with my hands as the tears spilled. “I wanted to know my name, my hair color, my skin color, my eye color; everything. Now I finally have it, and I don’t know what else to wonder about.”

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