(27) Flee Omega Flee

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Chapter 27.

                After the kiss, things had gotten quiet between Lucian and I. That night afterwards, Lucian told me it was getting late and I needed to go back to sleep. I did, somehow able to sleep on my own. He insisted he would just sleep in one of the guest bedrooms, and that’s how it’s been like for almost two days now.

                When I woke up the next morning, Trixie had explained to me that we were low on food. Lucian and Oliver went to town, since they were the two people not being hunted down by my kidnappers. Kory had insisted he should go, and allow me to spend time with my mate, but Lucian only declined.

                I didn’t know if it was out of embarrassment after kissing him, but I didn’t know what to think anymore. What were Lucian and I now? Were we more than just friends? I understand we’re mates, but how far does that go? At some point there’s bound to be some kind of romantic interest. Friends don’t just stay friends, one ends up falling for the other, from what I’ve noticed.      

                “Is that a good book?” I looked up from the wrinkled book I was reading to see Kory standing above me. I was situated on the hammock, my feet gently brushing the sandy wood as I sat.

                “Not really.” I shrugged, paying attention to every detail as it explained about what a mate was in the werewolf world. Trixie had given it to me, saying it was a good way to help me understand what I meant towards her son.

                “Learning about how to love your mate I see.” Kory laughed taking a seat beside me, almost causing me to fall off the string tied hammock as it swayed. “I heard you guys shared a little kiss two nights ago.”

                “Yes we did.” I mumbled, my cheeks heating up as I thought about how wonderful it felt to be embraced the way he did. “But he won’t talk to me about it.”

                “What do you mean?” I put the book down on my lap, marking my place and tossing it on the coffee table. My hand found its way running through my hair, which I’ve come to notice is a new habit of mine.

                “We’ve only kissed once, it hasn’t happened again.” I pursed my lips together and thought about it. If we hadn’t kissed again, did that mean he was repulsed by the thought of kissing me again? Surely not, he would have shouted at me the moment we did so. Lucian seemed like the short tempered kind of person.

                “You miss your mate’s bitter sweet kisses.” Kory teased which made me whack him with my free hand. He sobered up immediately. “Don’t overthink it. He’s probably just waiting to confess how he feels about you, give it some time.”

                “But how much time will that be?” I asked, my tongue darting out to lick my dry lips. “I mean…I guess I miss him.”

                “Well if you miss him, then talk to him.” He shrugged this time, his smile long gone. It was hard to believe only a couple weeks ago, I had hated this boy. Now, we’ve grown closer and seem to be defined as friends.

                “Can we please just talk about something else?” I sighed, rubbing my clammy hands on my sundress.

                Usually when Kory came to talk to me it would only be for a brief period of time. He would usually ask what I wanted to eat for dinner, and if I would be joining everyone for it. After the entire confession of my age, and everything else, I was still upset with all those people who kept it a secret. They knew how badly I wanted to know myself, and they knew I didn’t even know where I was from.

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