(21) Flee Omega Flee

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Chapter 21.


                Not once in my life have I physically had to move my body as much as I was now. Being stuck in a small body length cage never forced me to move much. Even in the dreams Lilura had put me in, we hardly ever ran. Now, I understood why she never forces either of us to in the first place. This was murderous on the legs, and suicidal on the lungs.

                To my disappointment and utter humiliation, everyone but Kory was behind me, clumped together in order to prevent themselves from slamming into me. Kory was running far ahead of everyone else while we tried to follow him, at least I attempted to. Oliver was jogging, and so were the other to the point where I could feel their calming breaths on my neck. I was panting, my legs feeling like jelly and lungs catching into flames.

                At one point, which I could hardly remember, I was thrown over a warm shoulder. I squeaked in surprise, before I realized Oliver graciously decided to carry me. I wasn’t complaining, because soon all of us were catching up to a sprinting Kory. There was no wind in the tunnel, but by our speed there was one.

                A door spamming open caused me to try to turn away from Oliver’s rippling back muscles and look at the source of the noise. Kory’s leg was just descending to the ground, and I immediately knew he must’ve kicked the door down. While Oliver shifted me around on his shoulder, I noticed Sal do the same with his heavy load. What could possibly be so important that he had to carry it?

                His golden eyes locked onto my violet ones, a serious straight look coming across it. From what I could tell, he was guarded, making sure not to show any emotion. Fia on the other hand was the opposite. Her blond curls were sticking up at odd angles because of the humidity we were slapped across the face with. There were frown lines on her forehead and her eyes were gently squinted in worry.

                The sound of bodies moving in plants caught my ears, and I looked over Oliver’s shoulder to see Kory trying to make his way through them. It wasn’t long before all of us began walking through it, all but me of course. Occasionally one of us would almost slip because of the damp soil and the dim lighting, but they managed to be fully composed.

                After making it through the small garden, Kory bolted towards a large ship which I guess was what Kory called a yacht. It was beautifully white, and there was an almost orange deck from what I could tell. The sound of the small moving water made me look down and I noticed we were walking on a dock, our footsteps causing the wood to groan.

                Kory ran up the ramp first, going to the top and entering a door. Oliver was next, tossing me a few inches in his arms to make sure I wouldn’t move and fall in the water. My nails dug into his back, a new fear gripping my lungs in its devious hands. I tried my hardest to calm down, and as Sal placed the sack down on the dock and pushed the rail away, it started moving.

                I began to panic at the sudden movement, my hands moving around Oliver’s back until they found the back of his neck. My nails pierced his skin, drawing a bit of blood from it. He didn’t make a sound, and I guess he didn’t feel much of it with the adrenaline pumping through his veins.

                I looked up at the balcony, looking through the windows and noticing Kory was moving controls from where he was operating the yacht. It was going extremely fast that all the furniture was rattling, and everyone was holding onto something as they walked around. Oliver walked down the stairs, opening up a door and shutting it behind him.

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