(25) Flee Omega Flee

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Chapter 25.

                It was good to know the dead boys name, and what a strong name he had. Logan. It seemed to fit his personality well, even though I didn’t exactly know him well. Still, it seemed like I’ve known him forever, and we’re best friends just catching up. Oddly enough, he reminds me of Lilura.

                A knock was heard at the door, and both Logan and I turned to see it. It opened without me speaking, and a head popped in to look at me. Confusion was written across his face as he scanned the room until he found me, and entered the room. Shutting the door with a soft click, I noticed him keep his distance, as if he was afraid I would spook.

                “Who were you talking to?” He questioned, crossing his arms over his chest

                “Nobody.” Logan barked, cutting me off from my answer. I turned to look at him, which made him turn to see what I was looking at.

                “No one,” I said bluntly, playing my hands on my lap, “Lucian.”

                “Glad to know you remember my name at least.” He grinned, all seriousness gone from his face. I looked over at Logan, who was rolling his eyes as he attempted to lean back in the chair. To his annoyance, it didn’t roll back the way he wanted it to.

                “Why do you say that?” I asked, refusing to look over at him.

                “When someone shifts, they temperately lose their memory.” He explained, sitting on the bed reluctantly and looking at me only. “It’s to prevent them from panicking if they’re in an unfamiliar surroundings. It’ll come back in an hour or two.”

                I nod my head, but suddenly remember what had happened while I was asleep. There were so many questions I didn’t have answered. There was still one question in my mind that I wanted to know, and I spoke before I could react.

                “What is a mate?” I ask Lucian, who gives me a small smile as he shifts beside me. Reluctantly, he takes my hand in his and laced our hands together. Some sort of spark travelled up my arm, and sunk deep into my heart.

                “You feel that?” He spoke softly, locking eyes with me for the first time. “Only people who are mates feel this together.”

                I smiled, one that was completely real, and not forced. “It feels nice.”

                He let out his own low grin as he looked at our entwined hands. “Yeah, it does.”

                We stayed there in a comfortable silence, just enjoying the feel of our hands together. It felt so peaceful, something I mildly had with Oliver. This was better, this was comforting to the point where I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him in his arms. I didn’t know exactly where the thought came from, but I oddly liked it. It was strange to think that I’ve only just met him, but he just makes me feel secure in a strange way.

                “I’ve dreamt about this once.” I smiled, remembering how when I was a little younger than I am now, I went through a stage where I hoped my Prince Charming would rescue me.

                “When?” He asked, continuing to look at me as I slowly watched Logan disappear before my eyes.

                “It must’ve been a few years ago, it may even have been months ago, I’ve never known the days but…” I trailed off, closing my eyes as I remembered the only dream I ever had that didn’t have Lilura in it. “This just reminds me of it.”

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