(22) Flee Omega Flee

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Chapter 22.

                Everyone became silent, as if her introduction had caused everyone to become mute. I didn’t understand at that moment. Oliver stared at me, obviously wondering how I could possibly know her. I didn’t, and I didn’t know how to break it to her. She looked so broken, realizing that somehow I had forgotten her.

                “I’m sorry but I don’t know you.” I explained to her looking at the only people I knew for help. They only seemed to stare at me.

                “Celia, you watched over me when I was little.” Tears were filling up in Savannahs eyes now. “When the Luna gave birth to her son, you were there with her even though you were pregnant with twins.”

                It was clear through my eyes that she was obviously thinking of another person. I had never met someone other than the people beside me. Savannah wasn’t someone I was familiar with, and neither was this person I was supposedly friends with. The most outrageous part, was her believing I had children, which scared even myself.

                Fia stepped forward, blocking myself from the woman’s view. Before I knew what was happening, Oliver slipped his hand through mine before guiding me towards him and behind his own back. I placed my forehead on his back, my hands gripping his shirt tightly.

                “What about Cooper? Does he know she’s here?” Savannah’s voice became panicked. “Oh my goodness he doesn’t. I’ll call him right away, I think I have his number somewhere in my bag. Unless he changed it, but I don’t think he would. Alpha’s usually don’t do that unless-”

                “Savy calm down and let me explain.” Kory’s voice boomed, and I leapt at his sudden entrance. I looked over Oliver’s shoulder, seeing him rubbing her shoulders kindly.

                “Celia shouldn’t be out here Kory, she needs her mate.” She whispered to him, but I was still able to hear her. “What about her pack?”

                “Savy,” Kory murmured to her. “Penelope is her name, and she isn’t part of any pack at the moment.”

                “But she looks just like-” He interrupted her.

                “I don’t know what you’re going on about, but you can explain it to me later once she’s settled. It’s been a rough couple of days, and I think we all just need to relax.” Kory pointed out to her, guiding her in the direction of the living room.

                The tension left the room the moment the two left, and I breathed into Oliver. A sigh of relief escaped through his lips, and I figured this was a way of saying she was letting us stay. Releasing my hold on Oliver, I stepped around him to see Fia strolling up the stairs. I glanced over at Oliver, who nodded his head for me to follow her.

                The hallways were narrow as Fia twisted her way through doors, somehow knowing where she was going. We walked past a door, and I came to a stop when I smelt something. I glanced over at it, and tapped my finger against the dark red door. My nail chipped a thin piece of paint, and I jumped when a hand gripped my own.

                “Penny what are you doing?” She asked, her eyes filled with concern and curiosity.

                “I don’t know,” I admitted, my cheeks heating up at being caught. “I thought I smelt something…different.”

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