Prologue - Different

Start from the beginning

"Its time for her to go," Chiron said stopping in front of us. He looked genuinely concerned.

"Mommy," I spoke up catching both of their attention. I looked up at my Mommy who was already looking down at me.

I noticed her eyes were turning a bit red as she held tears back. She knelt down to my height gently stroking my (H/C) hair that was in pigtails.

"What is he talking about?" I asked tilting my head curiously.

Mommy sighed. "Sweetie, your daddy he was- he is special. He's not like Mommy."

"He's not a doctor?" I asked confused.

Mommy laughed ruffling my head. "He's definitely not a doctor." She paused looking around us. She noticed all the people walking by us taking care to move around Chiron who took up most of the sidewalk with his wheelchair. "We'll talk about it at home." She promised standing back up.

"(M/N)." Chiron said a warning in his tone as we walked off.

"Don't worry old man. She'll be there tomorrow." Mommy said tugging me down the sidewalk.

I offered Chiron a small wave, one that he returned before disappearing into the crowd. I let mommy tug me down the sidewalk without much complaint.

Daddy isn't like mommy. I didn't know a lot about my dad. All I knew is that he meet, mommy at her workplace, a hospital. Maybe he was sick and she cured him. Mommy is good at curing people.

"What happened this time?" A familiar voice asked. I looked up noticing we were inside our apartment building. A woman with curly brown hair and blue eyes. She wore a light blue button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up and dark blue jeans. She was leaning against a doorframe she seemed to be waiting for someone.

This is Sally Jackson, our neighbor. Shes is really nice. She sometimes gives me candy and babysits me while Mommy is busy at work.

Mommy sighed loosening her grip on my wrist a bit. "(F/N) was basically Wednesday again." Mommy chuckled nervously. "What about you? When is Percy getting here?"

Sally seemed to brighten up a bit as she pulled out a blue bag. "Soon." She answered opening the bag to pull out a piece of blue cotton candy. "And Gabe's gone so it'll be peaceful for a bit."

"I don't understand why you stay with that jerk," Mommy said frowning at the brunette who simply smiled handing me the piece of cotton candy. I happily took it shoving the piece of candy into my mouth. It was sweet as the soft cloud dissipated on my tongue.

"Even jerks have some value," Sally said smiling a bit.

Mommy sighed knowing it was a lost cause to argue. "Well, you and Percy are welcome to have dinner with us."

"Thank you, (M/N)," Sally said pulling mommy into a hug. Mommy patted the brunettes back.

"Yeah. Yeah, you two are always welcomed." Mommy said as Sally pulled away. "We better get home and start cooking then."

"Bye Ms. Jackson," I said with a smile.

Ms. Jackson smiled hugging me before pulling away. "See you guys later."

"Come on," Mommy said pulling me up another flight of stairs into our own apartment. It was small.

The living room had a three-seater couch. a brown wood table in the middle with a television behind it. Next to the living room was a bar which was the kitchen.

The kitchen had a fridge, a few wood counters, and cabinets. And there was an oven and microwave. Mommy doesn't like toasters.

There was a small hallway beside the front door that leads to two bedrooms and a bathroom. One was mine and the other was Mommy's. Mommy had the bedroom closer to the front door. The bathroom was in between our rooms. And at the end of the hallway, near my bedroom was a window that leads to the fire escape.

Mommy let out a tired sigh as she pulled off her white coat and threw it onto the ground. She went to the couch to go lay down. Remembering earlier I decided to go follow her to the couch.

"Mommy," I said gaining her attention.

She sighed sitting straight and patting the couch ordering me to sit down. I complied sitting next to her. She took out her bun letting her long (H/C) hair down. "(F/N)." She said softly grabbing my hands gently almost like she was afraid she would hurt me. "You're different from other kids. All those kids from school they aren't like you."

I frowned. Of course, I wasn't like anyone at school. I've always been different but not the unique cool kind of different, just different.

"And there's a special place for kids like you to go." She continued unaware of my internal thoughts. "It's a camp. Where kids like you can go and do stuff."

"Is that where Mr.Chiron is from?" I asked curiously.

Mommy nodded. "Chiron is like a principal there." She told me. "But there's this other guy Mr.D he's technically in charge but he doesn't do much."

"Have you been there?" I asked her.

She frowned shaking her head. "I can't, I'm not like you. A few campers did come here though to get some medical training."

"Not like me," I repeated. "Is it because of daddy?" I asked her.

She nodded. "Yeah." She answered her hands holding mine tighter. She seemed to notice my glum mood. "It'll be fun. You'll finally be with kids like you, maybe you'll make a few friends."

Friends. I let a smile come onto my face at the thought. And I would be surrounded by kids similar to me.

Mommy smiled. "That's the spirit now let's cook dinner!"



Another freaking Nico di Angelo X Reader

I might be a bit too obsessed with this PJO and I happen to love Nico, okay!

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