Chapter Nine - Invisible Girl

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"So, you're the lightning thief?" Ares said grinning wickedly. He took a few steps towards Luke who stood his ground glaring at the god of war.

It was easy to tell Luke wasn't intimidated by the god. But he clearly wasn't ready for another fight since his bronze sword laid useless on the ground. Both the cylinder container and the dark helmet rested behind Ares who had taken it easily.

Unfortunately for Luke, all he had by his side was my unconscious body that laid on a tree behind him. Not like I'd be much help if I was awake anyway.

"Now I'll I gave to do is take you, the weapons and your-" Ares paused his sunglasses fixated on the tree where my body laid unconscious. Ares mumbled something quietly under his breath before looking back at Luke. "And me and the other gods will burn you alive." Ares cracked a smirk at that.

I stared at Luke concerned for his safety. I knew stealing from the Olympians was bad but I didn't think they'd burn him alive for it. Then again Prometheus had his liver eaten every day by an eagle just for stealing fire for humanity. And Prometheus was doing a good thing! Well for humanity but that's beside the point.

Luke didn't seem fazed by Ares's threat. No instead of begging for forgiveness Luke grinned as he shrugged indifferently.

"Tell him he'll be passing up in the biggest war of the century." Both my physical body and consciousness shook at that voice. It was deep and scary like the voice of a monster.

"Okay, and you'll be stopping the biggest war of the century," Luke told Ares.

Ares smirked dropped as he slowly lowered his sword. "The biggest war of the century?" Ares repeated.

Luke smirked before quickly changing it into an innocent grin. "Titans versus the gods. You messed the first one, right?"

I furrowed my brows confused. It made sense Zeus wasn't married to Hera till after the war between the gods and the Titans. Actually, most of the Olympians wouldn't have been around for it.

"Right," Ares growled his smirk completely gone. I could only imagine the glare he had underneath his sunglasses as he stared at Luke.

"Causing a war would be easy," Luke said. "A war full of fighting, bloodshed, and death."

Ares raised an eyebrow clearly interested in this idea. "Okay half-blood, you're saying if I don't tell Zeus about this that it will start a war."

Luke nodded without hesitation. "You know them they won't do anything but accuse each other even if they don't have proof. They'll tear each other into pieces even if they don't fight the Titans."

"A war among the gods," Ares said sounding like a kid would on Christmas morning. I bet it's something Ares was thinking all this was just being handed to him a silver platter the way Luke was explaining it.

But to me, it sounds terrible. War is never a good thing. And just having Luke talk about it like it was nothing was terrible. That and the fact that he repeated what the monster voice said.

"Yeah." Luke agreed. "And all you have to do is pretend you never saw the lightning bolt and the helm."

I watched as Ares frowned swinging his bronze sword back in forth. I was torn now. Apparently, if this lightning bolt wasn't returned there would be a war but if Ares turned Luke in, Luke would be punished for stealing.

Luckily for me, it wasn't my decision to make. I watched as Ares handed Luke both the cylinder tube and the black helmet.

"Its terrible isn't it?" A new voice spoke up. I scrunched my eyebrows up looking around. "My father always did care more about war than anything. Maybe not my mother."

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