Chapter Fifteen : I Know Him

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"Why did we wait till night again?" Angelina asked me for what felt like the twelfth time that day. The ghost walked beside me hands tucked into her translucent shorts. She wore a sneer that most Ares kids had on their faces. After a few hours of hanging out with the specter, I realized it was just her natural resting face.

"Because I left my weapon in the Arena." I simply responded holding the hood of my cloak so it would stop hitting me in the face. The wind was oddly strong tonight and the sounds of thunder seemed to be nonstop. I wasn't scared of thunder or lightning so it didn't affect me too badly. I was more annoyed with the wind that kept moving my cloak making it almost impossible to walk. And it was certainly impossible to fly in this weather too.

"If we left earlier we wouldn't have to deal with the wind." Angelina mumbled to herself.

"I know a better way to get to California, without being in the wind," I told her honestly. "We can go through the Labyrinth."

I stopped when I noticed Angelina had disappeared from my side. I turned around to see a few inches away from me watching me with wide eyes.

"The Labyrinth?" She repeated her voice slightly cracking.

I nodded tilting my head to the side a bit. She didn't seem scared, no she seemed a bit excited?

"Like the Labyrinth with the Minotaur? The one that nerd guy made?" Angelina asked her excitement growing as she inched closer and closer to my face. I backed away a bit concerned for the usually rude ghost.

"Yeah?" I responded making sure there was enough distance between us. "His name was Daedalus."

Angelina raised an eyebrow unimpressed. "A nerd." She said walking past me.

I sighed before following after her. Though a loud screech made us both stop, we both looked up to see a rather old-looking lady with feathery wings flying above us. I instantly turned invisible watching as the bird lady flew over us craning her neck to look everywhere.

"Harpies." Angelina told me looking at the feathered woman distastefully. "Clarrise told me they eat any campers they find out of the cabins at night."

"That would've been a nice warning beforehand." I replied walking past the phantom making sure to quicken my pace.

Angelina easily caught up to me with a smug smirk on her face. My eyebrows knotted together in slight frustration. Why was I so guilty about ending her life before?

"It's just another reason why we should've left early." Angelina pointed out unaware of my unspoken question.

I mean, I still feel bad for killing her but it's over with already. She's dead, but she's not gone. Instead, she just became an annoying ghost.

"I know." I mumbled entering the Arena with Angelina at my side. "It should be where you died."

I noticed Angelina slightly stiffened but decided to ignore it as I walked towards the center of the Arena. My black scythe laid on the ground looking harmless. I quickly grabbed my weapon before pressing the button at the bottom making it collapse back into a small pole.

"Okay, we can leave now." I said tucking my weapon into my cloak. I walked back at Angelina who had decided to stay at the entrance. She was by my side once I exited the Arena.

"Do you know what they did with my body?" My feet halted at the weak voice that came from my ghoul companion. Angelina had stopped as well as she avoided eye contact with me.

I opened my mouth before closing it again. What did Greeks do with dead bodies? I knew there was some kind of ceremony since King Sisyphus had complained about his wife not doing it. And I knew Greeks typically put a coin in the deceased mouth to pay the ferryman.

Death Girl [Nico di Angelo X Fem!Reader]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora