Chapter Five - Hestia

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"I have a request for you." I tilted my head at the man who sat on the throne. His dark eyes were narrowed to show how serious he was. He seemed displeased with something. "There's a king who has been killing his guest. We have decided to kill him."

"Finally something effective." I felt myself stiffen with the words that came out of my mouth. Why did I sound like a man?

The man on the throne shot me a glare but didn't respond to my comment. Instead, he held up a pair of chains with handcuffs. "We decided to lock him Tartarus use these to keep his soul down there." The man said.

I nodded walking towards him to retrieve the cuffs. The metal was silver and was extremely cold but I didn't mind. "What is the man's name?" My deep voice asked.

"Sisyphus, King of Ephyra." The man responded readjusting his dark robe. "You must be careful. He is a crafty mortal."

"Like you gods," I responded walking away from him. "Do not worry I shall chain his soul to Tartarus." I held up the chains to emphasize my point.

The man nodded. "Thank you, Thanatos."

"(F/N)." A hand touched my shoulder shaking me a bit. I groaned a bit as my back started to ache uncomfortably. "Wake up it's time for dinner."

I opened my blurry eyes as the sound of cheering and footsteps flooded my ears. I rubbed my eyes as I yawned tiredly.

There was a chuckle next to me making my right side vibrate slightly. Once my vision cleared up, I looked up to see Luke grinning at me.

I looked back at the mostly empty arena as I remembered the fight between the Athena and Ares cabin. "Who won?" I asked curiously.

"The Athena cabin," Luke responded like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Come on we better get to dinner before Chiron gets suspicious."

I didn't argue as I got to my feet stretching out my arms. I winced as I felt my backache from the stretching. The backpack and bandages didn't help either as I squirmed uncomfortably.

"Hey, are you okay?" Luke asked with his eyebrows furrowed and his grin gone.

"Y-Yeah, my back just hurts," I told him awkwardly. Luke frowned taking off my backpack which helped a bit.

"Better?" He questioned.

"A bit," I admitted smiling a bit. But the bandages were still tight around my chest. I couldn't remove them myself without a pair of scissors. And I couldn't ask Luke to remove them. Maybe Annabeth.

Luke smiled but it didn't reach his eyes as he observed me full of concern. "If it starts to hurt more tell me, okay?" He said patting my head affectionately.

I nodded in a slight daze. Usually, only mommy was concerned for my wellbeing. Most adults just waved off my back pains as playing too rough with other kids. Luke was different.

Luke slung my backpack over his left shoulder. And he grabbed my hand leading me out of the empty arena. Outside all the campers were heading in one direction.

Towards a pavilion where some blue ladies were laying plates of food in front of campers. Three tables were completely empty with the other nine full of kids. Luke lead me to the fullest table where I spotted Travis and Conner playing some kind of card game.

The table was full of kids of different ages. The younger ones were pushing one another while the older kids were able to stay still. Some even pushed the younger kids back while keeping their food close to them. It was an odd sight to see. It reminded me of the Hermes cabin. Full of sleeping bags with not enough room for everyone there.

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