Chapter Fourteen - La chica fantasma

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"All hail (F/N) (L/N)!" Mr.D shouted gesturing to me. "Daughter of Thanatos, the God of Death!"

The crowd stared at me with wide eyes. It was easy to see how they all felt as they turned their gaze to Angelina who laid on the ground. They were scared of me.

"Angelina!" A voice shouted breaking the tense silence. Clarrise, a girl I had recognized from the Ares Cabin, rushed forward a few siblings behind her. I took a few steps back immediately noticing the visible anger and concern on their faces.

Clarrise kneeled beside her sister. She flipped Angelina onto her back as she silently watched her chest. Once it was obvious it wasn't moving, Clarrise pressed two fingers against her neck.

"Clarrise." One of her brothers said laying a hand on her shoulder. But Clarrise slapped it off shooting him a sharp glare. Anger seemed to radiate off the blonde as she turned her gaze back to her little sister.

I couldn't help but glance at Luke who stood in between Annabeth and Mr.D. The sandy blonde male was staring at me though his blue eyes seemed to be glazed over almost like he was lost in thought.

Annabeth was avoiding my gaze as she stared at Clarrise. But I could see her hands shaking as she clenched them tightly.

Mr.D was the more neutral out of the three. He only stood by sipping his Diet Coke with his eyebrows slightly furrowed together. He's purple met mine for a split second and they were full of slight pity.

"You!" I jumped at the sudden growl that Clarrise released from her throat. She was glaring at me now. I could feel her hatred as it made my entire body feel weak. Clarrise stood up holding Angelina close to her chest. "You killed her, daughter of Death."

"I-I didn't mean to." I protested taking a step back. The crowd immediately moved back not wanting me to touch them. "It was an accident."

Clarrise snarled not pleased with that response. Her siblings were behind her. Most of them were glaring at me too, but a few had taken a few steps back from them.

Usually, I was not easily swayed by people's words but I knew these kids were different. They were the kind to use violence rather than harsh words. And I didn't want to touch anyone right now.

"You're going to pay for what you did!" Clarrise shouted at me.

I could only watch them before my body become cold. Most of the kids watched with wide eyes as I turned invisible. Without wasting a second, I quickly rushed out of the Arena. Away from all my problems.

3rd Point of View

Admittedly, Luke should've stepped in before it got out of hand. But he was currently stuck in thoughts, everything was just background noise to him.

(F/N) (L/N), the young small girl he has been taking care of for months was the daughter of Thanatos. Luke wasn't too surprised by the information. He had seen her butterfly, her scythe, and her black wings. But having it confirmed just made him slightly uneasy.

No, he wasn't scared of (F/N) killing him. He knew she didn't mean to kill Angelina. (F/N) wouldn't have killed anyone intentionally, she was just too nice.

Luke was more afraid of something his lord had told him a few months ago.

After Ares had found Luke and he managed to convince the god of war to join his scheme. Luke was forced to endure nightmares for weeks on end. Luke's Lord was not too pleased when the god of war found out about their evil scheme.

But the nightmares had ended when Luke's Lord told him something interesting was going to happen. Luke had smirked when his lord told them this was exactly what they needed to trigger a war among the gods.

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