Chapter Eleven : Angel

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My eyes were painful to open. They seemed sealed shut by some unknown substance. I gently rubbed them hoping to make it disappear. When my eyelids could move, I pulled my hand away to see bits of sunlight.

My heart pounded in excitement as I saw the messy Hermes cabin floors. I wasn't trapped in that chest by Sisyphus. I extended my arms taking the large space for granted as I enjoyed the feeling of being able to stretch my sore limbs.

It was just a dream.

A realistic, scary nightmare but a dream nonetheless.

As my heartbeat and paranoia decrease, the pain in my back increased. A let out a small hiss as I wiggled my body to find my back aching badly to it. Ignoring the pain I pushed myself onto my knees feeling the extra weight on my back.

I noticed my cloak was beside me laying uselessly on the ground. I grabbed it with a confused frown knowing I was wearing it before I took a nap. Someone probably just took it off.

A familiar tickling sensation made me look at my wrist to see Mr.Muffin innocently fluttering his wings. I tilted my head curiously watching as he climbed up my arms to my shoulder.

He didn't stop at my shoulder, he continued to my back making me shiver involuntary. I turned my neck to see what the small insect was doing only to freeze at the sight. My (f/c) shirt had two big rips in the back allowing two black wings to be revealed to the world.

My brain seemed to draw blanks as I silently stared at the new appendages attached to my back. They were both spread out resting on the ground uselessly.

I let out a small hiss as Mr.Muffin walked on the black wings. He paused looking at me, his wings fluttering once. He flew upwards landing on my shoulder with one more flutter. I stared at the (f/c) butterfly unable to properly understand what was happening at the moment.

"Why do I have wings?" I asked out loud cringing at my cracking voice.

"You finally got your wings?" I jumped at the voice only to shout in pain at the sudden movement. My eyes looked upwards to see a familiar god.

Eros stood in the corner of the room with his arms crossed over his chest. He still wore his white suit with his white wings tucked in on his back. His black hair was still long resting on his shoulders and his crimson stared at me intently.

"Yeah," I responded blankly watching as he made his way towards me. He offered a gentle smile. "It kinda hurts."

"I know," Eros mumbled kneeling next to me. I watched as he hovered his hand over my right-wing. "They're really big." He told me gently grabbing the end of the right-wing.

My back immediately stiffened as small jolts erupted from my back. I bite my bottom lip to keep from screaming. Eros didn't seem to notice as he pulled the wing to the side stretching it all the way out.

"Lift your arm up." He ordered. I obeyed without hesitation stretching my right hand out. The wing was slightly longer than my arm.

Eros dropped the wing watching as it helpless fell on the floor limply.

"And you can't even keep them up." He added with a sigh though he perked up when we heard talking from outside the cabin. Eros pressed a finger to his lips with a grin as he turned invisible.

"Why is she that mean to guys?" Annabeth asked from outside the door.

"She just is," Luke responded as the door opened. Both blondes paused as they saw me awake and sitting up. I offered a small wave. "Your up late," Luke commented walking into the cabin his blue eyes drifting to my back. "Does it hurt?"

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